Server Suggestion Change City gas delivery to Fire gas delivery.

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Paralake Fire Department, PLC
Suggestion Title: Change City gas delivery to Fire gas delivery.
Suggestion Description: The city gas station delivery spot makes 0 sense, the hardware shop is 2ft from it. Meanwhile at slums or as a FF we have to walk or drive all the way over there to get our stuff when other places dont have to walk this far. Therefore we should remove garage gas station location and add fire department gas station in its place.

Why should this be added?:
- Removed a useless location when another spot is 2ft from it.
- FF can order things now without going 9 miles to grab them
- Slums can get items just like how bazaar, projects, suburbs, and office can without walking super far and getting mugged.

What negatives could this have?:
- Have to do effort
- People will have to actually park their cars properly to avoid tow.