Description of the idea: Change the models for the gas station to the old Evo City models. Currently, the Evo City gas pumps are still in the game, and considering the pumps are placed by code, replacing them is very simple.
I would be willing to also do a Facelift on the evocity gaspump model to make it more high resolution and a little nicer, maybe a different color scheme as well!
Why should this be added? (pros):
-Evo City gas pumps are modern, and don't look like they're from the 50s.
- Evo city gas pumps would be a nice change and a great subtle improvement to the map.
What negatives could this have? (cons): Personal preference and design choices?
I would be willing to also do a Facelift on the evocity gaspump model to make it more high resolution and a little nicer, maybe a different color scheme as well!
Why should this be added? (pros):
-Evo City gas pumps are modern, and don't look like they're from the 50s.
- Evo city gas pumps would be a nice change and a great subtle improvement to the map.
What negatives could this have? (cons): Personal preference and design choices?
