Change how the AFK system works

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United Kingdom
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Main Idea: Change the AFK system

Full description of the idea: Essentially the AFK kicker will be turned off until there are 70 people on the server. At this point the server will kick anyone who has been afk for 10 mins (non VIP) and 15 mins (Premium). Idk if premium already gets a longer afk time, if not then ignore this. This will stay on until the server goes below 70 players again. This should help because people can AFK on the server doing whatever while also helping the servers playercount stay higher. Players can still join the server because the AFK kicker will be on when it gets almost full this simply allows the server to maintain a higher population in downtime which hopefully attracts more players. More new players would be great. The AFK timer would still apply to jobs in order to prevent afk money farming.

Why should it be added?: Helps with server playercount and stuff, which should therefore attract even more people as a new player will see an active server.

Pros: Higher playercount > more people etc etc

Cons: People AFK on the server all day just growing or whatever, which people do anyway its just easier to do without getting AFK kicked.
This will never happen.

seems ok, cant wait for it. only issue i can think of might be that some people could get mad about a player count inflated by AFK players.
I don't understand why when I'm the only person on every weekend late at night i cant just afk and take 33 minute naps instead of fishing
I definitly support this idea. Being someone who constantly needs to get up and help family or need to attend to other issues where I live, I constantly find myself worrying that I might be kicked and have to start again.

And as others said it will boost the numbers. I've always believed that there should be more time on the auto kicker but this is a much better alternative. Obviously this should exclude job kicking.
It’s true, a fair few people just can’t guarantee something won’t pop up that takes much longer than they expected
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