Change to 2.5 and counter raiding

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:
Players may not excessively impact the experience of others in a negative manner, unless the actions are a proportionate escalation of negative actions that have been performed against the original player.

When participating in raids, players carrying visible weaponry inside of the property being raided are considered to be significant enough threats to be killed justifiably without prior verbal commands or interaction.

For example, it is not acceptable to:

  • Intentionally mug and target new players.
  • Destroy valuable items due to basic distaste such as product prices.
  • Killing a player over verbal insults, minor or accidental actions.
  • Killing a player after mugging them because they’ve seen your identity.
  • Intentionally steal a car to wreck it without any valid reason.
  • 'Counter raid' or participate against raiders without the intention to help the players, being people you must know, getting raided.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
Right now raiding players is becoming aids. Shootouts have always been a massive part of perp but recently it's becoming increasingly difficult to have fun raiding, the second you place down a bomb or attempt to do anything an enemy org will pull up, kill you without warning on the basis of a 'counter raid'. The change to the rule would prevent counter raiding completely and forbid players from getting involved in a raid unless they have been called to flank for their org/friends.

Nothing is preventing someone from pulling up to a raid with a pistol, shooting someone in the back on the basis of a 'counter raid' but the more troubling issue for me is a certain org that will just patrol the city and get involved in any shootout that happens. This is affecting the playerbases enjoyment and should coming under 2.5 as it is negatively impacting people who want to raid. It's such a random grey area right now, as you can't just start shooting people who pull up to a raid without warning, but they can shoot you without warning, it's massively unfair.
No, just you guys being really aids and getting involved in every single shootout stopping anyone else from enjoying the server
Just win the shootouts? Just like you we have to put up with counter raiders and people countering then going cop and countering a second time. Just deal with it and be more careful. You guys decided to have 2 snipers who didn't even watch there back's lol. This suggestion is just stupid.
Just win the shootouts? Just like you we have to put up with counter raiders and people countering then going cop and countering a second time. Just deal with it and be more careful. You guys decided to have 2 snipers who didn't even watch there back's lol. This suggestion is just stupid.
Because we are literally 4 people, you can pull up directly behind them, shoot with no warning and we cannot do anything until you shoot or we are already dead
have someone watch apartment entrances and kill whoever pulls up thats my official instructions
have someone watch apartment entrances and kill whoever pulls up thats my official instructions
Thats 2.5 though, but they can do the same thing.
Doesn't just apply to apartments you could have someone sniping from a mile away and have 6 guys pull up on him and shoot without warning
Thats 2.5 though, but they can do the same thing.
Doesn't just apply to apartments you could have someone sniping from a mile away and have 6 guys pull up on him and shoot without warning
Its not 2.5, You kill them if they are driving up to the raid with a gun on there back. If they have no guns you can simply shoot next to them as a warning shot. If they don't move then you kill them.
Its not 2.5, You kill them if they are driving up to the raid with a gun on there back. If they have no guns you can simply shoot next to them as a warning shot. If they don't move then you kill them.
But nothing is stopping you pulling up and instantly shooting someone on the premise of a counter raid, this is my issue
A complete ban is unneeded in my opinion as it stands however if anything, Maybe limit it to in defence of org allies or to counter organisation rivals. Under normal circumstances, killing someone so you can steal their muggings / kills can violate existing rules on the grounds that it’s being done unrealistically.

Surely this would come under the rule regarding raids rather than 2.5 though.
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