Change to 4.1

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Topic: A change to 4.1

Short explanation (in notes):
- Government officials will be allowed to 'strike' or 'protest' when not being paid by the city.
- They must first inform the LT and get him to contact the mayor, at which point he has a set period of time to get the funds in order so that they can be paid.
- If this time is elapsed, they can go on strike until it is fixed.
- They must still respond to life alerts, and panics (perhaps excluding the mayor?)

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I think this would be realistic, as in real life people would most definitely go on strike if they weren't getting paid at all by their employer. Think of the NHS and firefighter strikes in the UK: sure, they put people's lives at an increased risk, but they need to make a living.
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they can continue to strike if the pay is unreasonable.

I agree with the majority of the post, however to continue going on strike over a unreasonable amount of pay i think wouldn't suit it. In addition, the rule 4.3 states all Government employees must preform their duties to the best of their abilities, furthermore if they're being payed and still on strike i don't see how they wouldn't be breaking the rule. To be fair, if the pay is enough for some people but not for others, how is that going to work? People may want to roleplay just for the roleplay, not for the money then lets say there is one officer who is Rp'ing then all the other 9 are on strike, surely that would affect RP and waste police slots?

Moved to the correct forum.
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But.. Wheres the limit? Some people might think its a good idea to strike as soon as you're 10$ under max pay. So guidelines on the appropriate "low salary" level should be made.
This sounds good yes but what would happen if half the police force want to go on strike but the other officers don't? Do they just occupy the police slot so others can't take it? Surely it would affect others roleplay too. I like the sound of the idea, but the rule must be set in stone so that dejure is different to defacto
Seems to be a generally negative expression towards the ability to strike: my intention was to target extortionately low pay after an economical crisis; albeit I have removed that part of the idea.
+Support - In real life this happens all the time. There needs to be a limit at which the government pay is deemed NOT ACCEPTABLE - At the moment officers can be paid shit all and they still have to peform their duty and it does not affect Paralake at all. It would nice to see how the Mayors city can be affected by budget cuts.
In real life there are 'unlimited police slots' so if a few officers strike there's still enough people to actually do police stuff. On PH when there are 4 cop slots and they all decide to strike they cause some negativity by doing nothing constructive and not letting people to join who wants to be a cop anyway. And what would the striking officers do when there's a bank robbery etc.?
I think we need to come to a point and realize that this is just a game.
I feel as if this would be tricky to implement and will end up being abused.
+support-As the current system that is in place the mayor is not allowed to set taxes of sales taxes high with high city funds as it can be classified as 3.4 but the mayor is allowed to set lies pay checks and high taxes on government employees with out punishment.
I'm aware this is old but the fact that this section seems to be neglected makes me sad.

I think that as @StephenPuffs said, a "low level" of pay should be any rate that makes it impossible to buy food with, including tax. However, it's very rare that this actually happens. When it does, it's usually snapped up by the staff team under 2.1 as they generally don't have any roleplay reason to set the pay to such a level. When they actually do, I personally think that it's perfectly acceptable for the citizens to stage a protest. I don't think emergency services should be able to strike.
When they strike IRL, or at least in the UK their operational capacity isn't actually reduced by that much. Let's use the example of the fire service.

The fire service, as i'm sure any UK based player knows love to strike. This could be because they just stay on station all day playing snooker and cooking chilli and they get bored (jk sorry manner). When they do strike, their brigade and the local fire authority have a duty of care to their area and they must maintain the provision of a fire service. They do this by using volunteers, private companies or the Army to provide crews known as "resilience crews". This is so that the area is never left without cover and the area does not see an increased risk of loss of life.
Now, this would not work in Paralake because there are not enough firefighters to effectively do this with the FF slots mainly staying at 2.
The same goes for the ambulance service.

As for the police, it's generally against the law for them to strike as it leave the city lawless.

tl;dr striking bad, use other methods.
In germany you can't strike or protest as government official. And if someone needs the police because he murdered police and swat officers, they got a problem...