Swat rule being changed

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United Kingdom
The swat rule is currently that they can only go to incidents involving firearms or that someones life is in imminent danger.they also aren't allowed leave the pd and aren't allowed to deal with people being beaten for example in front of pd and must watch the person die. Since this is a n RP server swat in real life don't just sit around and go to firearms calls they conduct searches, high risk warrants and are always doing things even if the situation doesn't involve a gun, in saying all this i think swat should be able to be more pro-active and should conduct every raid and search even if there is no guns as it is what they do and if we get detectives they should be able to assist in raiding drug farms etc. If someone has a warrant and they find them in there home swat should also handle that as well even if unarmed but are dangerous so cops can do more crime preventing.also another thing is that although swat is trained they don't stop practicing things like room clearance and shootings skills(unfortunately there no where to do this at the moment) this is why the part of the rules sating we cant train should be changed.
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At the moment the swat just stand around raking in money but have nothing to do, this would mean we dont sit in the parking lot but we do things, it means Swat would become a better job and people would be more afraid to do illegal things that we might be called to.
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Did you read the SWAT rules?

SWAT Officers must remain within the Police Department at all times unless it is appropriate for them to deploy to a location(s); appropriate reasons include, but are not limited to, being specifically called-for by a law-enforcement officer, responding to a Life Alert of a law-enforcement officer, if law 11.12 has been put into effect, etc. If a SWAT Officer witnesses a crime, they should notify the emergency services and should only intervene if a firearm has been used and/or if life has been threatened. SWAT officers are already trained, under no circumstances may they train at locations around the map, even with the Mayor’s or Lieutenants permission."

If someone is getting beaten in front of the PD, there life is threatened, if no officers are nearby then SWAT can intervene.

Also to address your other reason about raids and such even if no weapons are known to be there, if the LT or officers request SWAT, they can conduct a raid, even if its only slightly believed to be hostile.
Never seen this rule suggestion before but I guess I'll put my thought down. This has nothing to do with searches or anythin; anyways I believe we need to set the rule up against SWAT standing at their vehicle, it's causing problems as people stand at their van or the gate. I believe SWAT should stay INSIDE the PD.
First of all, i agree with you.

As you know SWATs are actually High-Trained Police Officers and they get their gears if needed. (Correct me if im wrong)

In my opinion nobody should just become SWAT and loit around of PD.

People should be SWAT when its needed or atleast should stay in PD and have some passive rp.

Note: Can you fix the title of thread please? It sounds like the rules of being SWAT is on a change and the thread about that.
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