Change to rule 2.5

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 2.5

Your version of the rule: Cops should be allowed to shoot someone in the leg if the suspect is running away under gunpoint

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
1- Most of the times unarmed people are running away from cops and breaking 3.4 instead of letting them break a rule and reporting them (whilst escalating the sit) cops should be allowed to shoot them in the legs because its non-vital and could save cops from wasting a ton of time.
2- Also if you were to say instead of shooting them we could just report them, most people just claim that they weren't in clear sight of cops and a demo or clip is required so this change could save a ton more time for staff members
3- Also if it is risking your life to run away under gunpoint there should be consequences of running under gunpoint (like getting shot) so that its risking your life.
No, if this is possible then I see no physical way of actually getting away in a pursuit. The map is already a circle, and instead of spiking my tyres they always get shot out. If this were to be done it will be impossible to evade. Running away could be really usefull when you have some distance, so its a no from me.
In a realism standpoint this isn't feasible. However I see your point as it wouldn't escalate many 3.4 situations into a f6. What I'm afraid of is, if this gets implemented there will be a lot of similar reports claiming unjust shootings. Not to mention the fact that if the person has a concealed gun and the cop shoots him the cop is most likely dead.

Finally, for the reason stated above I don't think this suggestion should be accepted.
this isn't really ideal, you can't add specific circumstances in rules. The only feasible reason you could shoot a suspect in the leg is if they pose a threat or are continually attempting to flee.
Use a tazer! I'm sure after missing 300 times u will finally get them!
If this was added you just wouldn't be able to get away at all just wouldn't be fun for civs at all.
This wouldn't really fit under a rule suggestion, there isn't anything really stopping cops from doing that right now apart from the fact it would be against use of force policy. Rule wise I don't think I've ever seen someone complain about a cop shooting them in the legs claiming its 2.5 so I don't think that's a problem. My best advice is that if you want a policy change to submit a policy reform.
If you shoot someone who is breaking 3.4, I doubt majority of staff members would punish you.

It is not realistic to shoot someone in the leg as there is many major arteries in your leg that would cause someone to bleed out.
This wouldn't really fit under a rule suggestion, there isn't anything really stopping cops from doing that right now apart from the fact it would be against use of force policy. Rule wise I don't think I've ever seen someone complain about a cop shooting them in the legs claiming its 2.5 so I don't think that's a problem. My best advice is that if you want a policy change to submit a policy reform.
i could make one but seeing everyone opposing this change its futile to make one
It appeared to me that the common concern here is taking away the chances of criminals to flee. But even without this rule change if you are under gunpoint its 3.4 to run away. So im not sure what you guys are against to. All im saying is in situations where you are already not allowed to run away, if you run you should get shot in the leg besides getting reported for 3.4 if you are not breaking 3.4 and performing an allowed flee its all okay. Aim of this rule change is to save time of both staff and police in 3.4 situations where people run in a straight line under gunpoint and make the inevitable arrest harder
No need to add even more rules to protect cops. How about if you are running from police for any reason, the criminal has as much reason to shoot the cop as the cop does.
Now thats balance baby
Shooting someone in the legs realistically runs an incredibly high risk of:

- Severing an artery which can cause someone to bleed out beyond a fully treatable state in mere tens of seconds.
- Risk of causing the victim to fall over if they’re running away in potentially fatal circumstances.
- Almost 100% guaranteed risk of lifetime leg injury such as permanent bone and / or tissue damage resulting in leg paralysis or the inability to walk correctly or at all.
- Risk of permanent genital injury
- Present risk of just the WHOLE FUCKING LIMB becoming severed or partially severed.

Realistically a police officer who is good at their job isn’t going to shoot you in the leg for running away and encouraging said behaviour on PERP wouldn’t help the situation regarding new players minging as cop at all.
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