Map Suggestion chem table in business shops

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Suggestion Title: chem table in business shops
Suggestion Description: U should be able too add chemical tables too the business shops, not the bazaar shops. if u add a space in the back room available for either another workbench or chemical table. At the moment the business shops hardly get used yet each shop has a fairly big space, I was talking with someone before about this and they thought it would be a good idea, we spoke about any problems it could cause but overall we came too the conclusion it wouldn't be that bad. If someone was too make meth in there and explode the other business shops wouldn't be affected, whenever fires are caused near the business shops none off the insides burn its just the top.

Why should this be added?:
- business shops get used more
- hicktown has chem table spots and they are roughly the same size as the back room
- more places for people too use as atm loads off new players are joining and its getting harder too find someone u can base

What negatives could this have?:
- potentially a lot off fires
- not sure of any else, if u think of any pls add in comments and i will update
Any explosions in business shops run the risk of killing players through the paper thin walls or causing props in neighbouring shops to catch fire too.
Any explosions in business shops run the risk of killing players through the paper thin walls or causing props in neighbouring shops to catch fire too.
whenever i see fires there i never see the insides burning so i presume it would be fine
Any explosions in business shops run the risk of killing players through the paper thin walls or causing props in neighbouring shops to catch fire too.
That's the point
Another con would be that this would just higher the crime rate around the bazzar area and add a greater chance of shootouts between raiders and defenders and third-party cops and bazzar shop flankers joining in. Bazzar can be hell to be in for passive roleplayers during high pop. You sell a gun and run away or hide for 2 minutes because of an ongoing shootout, you sell some more.

You will never get away from attempted muggings, some casual shootouts now and then, and backroom raids but adding chem tables in such a close range to bazzar would also higher the values of what you might be able to grab in a raid which would make it even more tempting to raid in the first place.

If anything I think it might be used less amongst passive roleplayers, bulk crafters who want to craft alone while selling some items while doing so, and more exclusively by crims.

Some changes are coming up in the V6 that I think might wake up the business shops a bit more like removing the hedge and making the shops a lot more visible and better lighting.
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This will just cause disruptions to neighbouring shops that try to get by with legal means. Fire spreads easily through these paper thin walls, meth smoke kills occupants inside and will cause more unnecessarry large shootings on the map where most players gather by creating more raid oppurtunities. Don't even think about implementing them in bazaar shops.

If anything I'd maybe be okay with allowing drying leafs on them but disallow the use of creating meth to see how it works out.
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People moan about us raiding bazzar shops for growers but now you want to allow the ability to dry inside them to? Just sounds stupid lol.
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