Server Suggestion chests place anywhere

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Suggestion Title: chests place anywhere
Suggestion Description: With chests that u craft u can only place them next too the main storage chest, I think u should be able too place the chests anywhere inside a property u have keys too.

Why should this be added?:
- Makes it easier for everyone
- Its annoying forgetting that u need place a chest down next too ur chest then run where ever u want with it

What negatives could this have?:
- Cant think of any
(will add some if ppl comment any)
I believe it being limited to prevent abuse with weight and also in raids. Otherwise you can just raid with chests, store drugs and weapons in the chests and then pick them up and then they would be safe for search from police, mugging and death.
I believe it being limited to prevent abuse with weight and also in raids. Otherwise you can just raid with chests, store drugs and weapons in the chests and then pick them up and then they would be safe for search from police, mugging and death.
thats the reason i said inside a property u have keys too because 9/10 u dont raid a property u have keys too so most of the time u cant take a chest too store etc. i see where ppl could potentially put a chest down mid raid too store but if that happens its already covered in rules and the person would get punished
thats the reason i said inside a property u have keys too because 9/10 u dont raid a property u have keys too so most of the time u cant take a chest too store etc. i see where ppl could potentially put a chest down mid raid too store but if that happens its already covered in rules and the person would get punished
You'd be surprised on how often people actually key raid and rules stop you from store when your life is in danger of course. But let's say you raid parker that your friend have keys to. You store 5 AK-101's and 300 drugs you harvested, then drop your own gun and store it and then pick up the chest. When you die you don't drop any gun. When you're getting mugged they can't grt the chest or what's in it, or if you get arrested after the raid and gets searched, the police can't see all the guns or drugs you have in the chests on you. So it would be to abuse the gamemehanic.
You'd be surprised on how often people actually key raid and rules stop you from store when your life is in danger of course. But let's say you raid parker that your friend have keys to. You store 5 AK-101's and 300 drugs you harvested, then drop your own gun and store it and then pick up the chest. When you die you don't drop any gun. When you're getting mugged they can't grt the chest or what's in it, or if you get arrested after the raid and gets searched, the police can't see all the guns or drugs you have in the chests on you. So it would be to abuse the gamemehanic.
Say u do key raid and u win the initial raid, if u start storing the guns while cops are outside then thats a rule break, I wouldnt see a problem with taking chests with u too a key raid u can only actually store when there is no danger anyway, in the end ur gonna store the guns or drugs in ur trunk and then of course u can get away as there isnt any danger so why cant chests work like that as well

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