civic foreplay

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donegal, eire
whYour Steam/In-game Name: Fidel Castro
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Reece Arnolds
His/Her SteamID: idk
Why Should This Player Be Punished: was gped given no chance then shot without mercy. was a pawn in starting a huge shootout idk the rules

It just embodies my whole social life and brings back horrible flashbacks

At first I thought it was a joke cuz I thought since Ed also based in there that they wouldn't raid us but they did (and the laughing made me think it was a joke), so then I went to open but me being a fat bitch couldn't jump (exhausted) and since I'm mute I couldn't type it in time before I got lead in my face.

I'm not salty or anything I just went to talk to him after but he just said it was strictly business and i was delaying under GP
so i just got emotional and made the ar pls forgive

Evidence (Demo Required):
can u ignore my desktop ok, what i do is every season I change the desktop to something for the season so thats why I have a cherry tree as a background
many ticks its the tourettes

"who the fucks kevina, who gives a fuck" well i tell you im a navy seal
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user is forum banned so here u go
Posted for Joe:
I cannot see that you're typing, and I have previously apologised and shout of left it a few more seconds but in all honesty how am I meant to know you're oblivious of the whole situation, plus If we're being realistic here you should have just said "I'm breathless" because I was blissfully unaware that people in the 21st century still don't have a microphone as a possession. (Not trying to be rude I actually don't mind you) also our encounter at bazaar I didn't actually think you wanted an explanation there and then, considering you were actually basing with us prior. (if you're gunna bring up the fact that we raid "Friends" it was 11pm and we were looking for something to do we didn't intend to look for friends to raid it just occurred and the situation spiraled and @spoon ended up killing me with a nade x)
Oh no I fully understand you couldn't see me type, its just that if demos would have shown it would have shown that I was typing and wasn't able to finish before I got pepperonified
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