Civil Rescue is a quick reaction force for citizens in trouble, we operate on air, ground and sea, Join us today, and make a difference.

About the organization
This private organization was originally founded approximately two years after the initial open of paralake city to the public. It at first operated in it and then started operating in different cities including Fork City, Evocity, Nevada County and more.
Organization Divisions
Air division
The Air division in paralake city has been disbanded as it is found to be ineffective and it is much easier to reach places on foot and using vehicles.
Ground division
The ground division is the primary reaction force in Civil Rescue, the average response time using the ground division in paralake city is 2 minutes from one side to the other side of the city, making it one of the best timing for the city.
Sea division
Just like the air division, the Sea division in paralake city has been disbanded, it took too long to gain security clearnace to enter paralake city using a small high speed boat we simply we're unable to do so, we still do have divers but they are a part of the Ground division and are responding using ground vehicles.
Organization Roles and Hierarchy
The Director is responsible to all of the cities where the Civil Rescue is operating in, it can order out global procedures and remove existing ones, it can also add or remove funding from specific city outposts.
The Director is responsible to all of the cities where the Civil Rescue is operating in, it can order out global procedures and remove existing ones, it can also add or remove funding from specific city outposts.
Assistant Director
The Assistant Director is exactly the same as the Director, only that the Director can veto his decisions, he is responsible for all cities as well.
The Assistant Director is exactly the same as the Director, only that the Director can veto his decisions, he is responsible for all cities as well.
A Manager is responsible for a specific city, currently there are only 7 Managers around the world.
A Manager is responsible for a specific city, currently there are only 7 Managers around the world.
A supervisor is responsible for a team of rescue workers, and is capable of carrying the AK-47 assault rifles in situations which absolutely require it.
A supervisor is responsible for a team of rescue workers, and is capable of carrying the AK-47 assault rifles in situations which absolutely require it.
Rescue worker
A rescue worker is an operator within the organization, the front line and the one doing the actual work.
A rescue worker is an operator within the organization, the front line and the one doing the actual work.
Staff in Paralake City
Naanci Venya
Assistant Director
Jessica Fox
Johnny Wheels
To be added.
Rescue worker(s)
To be added.
Do you wish to enlist?
Apply on our website(Send a PM to @SleepyMode and @DRift)
[DOUBLEPOST=1475571042,1474995024][/DOUBLEPOST]disbanded cuz people are stupid