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I've thought about it, and thought to myself that this is a petty AR, and don't want to be like I used to.
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ProPP is me Jack Bingo u can see also infront of me was eren and he had revolver not a 74u idk why the AR is on HIM after u got logs ,either way the timing was shit we told u several times to put ur hands up u didnt comply u just started walking slowly sideways and when ur friends opened fire on us as u can see our org member died we did as well im not letting u just run away and have a disadvantage just because u didnt put ur hands up also u can see i started shooting u at the same time u were about to put ur hands up if u didnt stall in first place it wouldnt occur!
I genuinely didnt take My hands up as I got fucking confused what you were doing, and had to process whether you were raiding or misunderstanding. As you were Called for HELPING and not raiding. Or MAX was.

When i realised it was real i instantly stopped and began to put my hands up.
Well its basically the same here,i can't react to stop shooting when i just started shooting when i see u dont put ur hands up i gotta back up as u can see when we started getting shot at to take cover,the timing was just sadly shit in your favor therefor u got shot if ur org didnt shoot you wouldnt die it looked like u tried to take our attention by him shooting us because you had a phone in ur hands i couldnt tell if u were giving them info VIA org TS when u move sideways and stalled for around 5seconds+ to put ur hands up
Before anyone cries about I would've lost it anyways,
don't see why the AR then
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