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Blackdown said:
We have clothes and the dresser idea has been suggested. I can see how this would increase RP but no one would use it, it is that simple.
It's not that it would never be used, it's that it might be used too much, because of how easy it would be evade police if you were able to change how you look in your home. Because if you give police a description of someone and then they can go back into their house and change clothes, they're a whole new person (at least in their mind) so they would think police have no right to question them as they don't look the same, even though in reality your face would still be recognizable. However there's no way we can have a unique face for each person that ever joins so metagaming is allowed in certain instances where the face should be recognizable because of proximity to other player or RP style bank security photos. But anyways, to me it would just lead to too many problems being within a house.
Blackdown said:
We have clothes and the dresser idea has been suggested. I can see how this would increase RP but no one would use it, it is that simple.
Yeah but it could be more realistic, the name was a part of the face. And so i got an idea! When you see a man above him are his name, it should not be fully completed and stand like this "J m A l l n", so should be "James Alleron", and your more you see him, the name will have more letters like " J a e A l e r n". And so the name will be a part of the face, and when he tell he need to say every word. So its take to implement a new item a ID, so the cops can see his full name and a picture of him.
Blackdown said:
We have clothes and the dresser idea has been suggested. I can see how this would increase RP but no one would use it, it is that simple.
I see what you mean Stephen, but when you think about it, changing clothes to avoid arrest is pretty realistic. People would do it all the time to try to make the unrecognizable. I just think that it would only be used for that situation. I like the dresser idea, as I have usggested it before and I think that it would help for these situations but the name - metagaming thing would come into play as well in this. You might have to see them enough to be able to recognize them as a cop or something like that. Whatever way you guys want to implement that rule.
More realism is not always better.
Example: Police helicopters are used IRL. They aren't used in perp. Mostly because 3/4th of us cant fly a helicopter and will crash themselves into the forest but also because its too damn easy to track someone in a heli. Its just like a little radar on your head then. It decreases the chances of getting away a lot since everyone wants to use the helicopter ofcourse and it ruins a bit of the rp fun.
Same with dressers, take other clothings and then your anonymous again. A total breakdown of the rp fun for both sides (cops and suspects).

New clothing is always a good thing to have, and since everyone is kind of looking the same... a few extra shirts and hats will do the trick =).
Denied - The new clothes system was added in V2. The dresser system has already been suggested on another thread in more depth.
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