Server Suggestion Clothing: Storage, More Of a Variety and Options.

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Topic: Clothes.

Short explanation (in notes):
- Able to store clothes, instead of having to buy new clothes.
- Able to remove just glasses or hat and not both at once.
- More clothes, if possible.
- Able to put your own custom stickers on clothes and even cars within role-play reasons.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Its quite annoying to always having to buy new clothing for a new costume, you have to remove all accessories and cannot keep just your hat. The clothes feel limited so if more could be added, it would be nice to maybe have some more? Finally, would it ever be possible to have your own role-play reason 'stickers' and such, so I could have my own business picture on my cars and clothes, saying such things as 'J&M Services'.

I know these may be difficult to add, they are only suggestions and I may not know the difficulty that may go in to adding these, but they are just points which could be nice to add.
  • Able to store clothes, instead of having to buy new clothes. requested before denied if i am correct. but +support
  • Able to remove just glasses or hat and not both at once. Big +support it would be nice to have as sometimes you just want to remove one thing and not everything and then you will have to buy it again.
  • More clothes, if possible. +support We do have a lot of choice now but if we have more clothes we have more diffirent player models etc.
  • Able to put your own custom stickers on clothes and even cars within role-play reasons. huge +support if we can add some stickers/own photo's to the car's/shirts that we have we would get a lot of different people with their clothing too. it also looks a bit more awesomer to add stickers/own photo's to your car because that is just something else then having a color and a paint style.
so actually huge +support on this whole idea!
  • Able to store clothes, instead of having to buy new clothes.
    • Clothes presently have no easy way of being kept other than what your current one is, plus this is generally denied for the fact of how easy it would be to elude the police as not everyone has a strictly unique face unlike real life, so police rely on clothes typically to identify a suspect. That said, accessories at some point may be able to take on and off at your own choosing.
  • Able to remove just glasses or hat and not both at once.
    • As mentioned previously there may be a way to take them on and off as items instead of just something that pops on. But yes this could be useful for the interim period.
  • More clothes, if possible.
    • This is up to @Xquality and making more clothes clothes, not just the decals takes a lot of time and thought, because the models we use all have about the same kind of clothing model so making them look natural is difficult. Not many looks for just a long sleeve buttonless shirt that we haven't done yet, but you're more than welcome to post images of things you like.
  • Able to put your own custom stickers on clothes and even cars within role-play reasons.
    • If you mean upload your own texture and apply it to your shirt, there is no way for this to possibly work. If you want more decals to pick from, check out this thread and make your own suggestion with image for @Xquality to review. As for cars... ???? no idea what you mean.
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