More variety of clothing

  • Thread starter Thread starter ThomasGeorge
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Short explanation (in notes):
- More clothing to buy at Jennifer's clothing store.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I think we need more clothing such as suits and ties, different trousers (cargo/camos), and perhaps some different shirts or decals.

Optional additions:
- able to choose different patterns and decals
- Able to choose tie/shirt colour.
- Choose tie/bow tie
- Dress like James Bond or Archer
+Support - Would love a lab coat so I can look like an underground back street chemist. The clothing at the moment is a bit limited and boring so some new stuff is always appreciated.

Coats would be really awesome to have! You could really make yourself look like a uhm "Pharmacist"​
I do see what you're saying, V2 was such a big leap for clothing and new designs were added which were chosen by the community; I think this should be added again - Xquality made a thread which allowed people to upload designs and choose their own to be added.

Shorts, short sleeved shirts and more could be added in order to give your character more of his own personal style - I mean the current clothing system is amazing, you never ever see a character with the same clothing as another; it's completley unique.

I do +support this, more accessories such as ties and more tops / pants could be added; however it's not a big priority.
The models we have at present only ever allow for long pants and long sleeve type shirts so we can not have T-shirts, shorts, ties, etc. with them I'm afraid. However if you have a type of pants or shirt and/or a "decal" to have on a shirt or an emblem for suits and such, please post in Xquality's dev log. (I don't have the link handy as I'm on mobile) and we can review it there. At present I would like to bring back a few variations of the sweater vest as to have it official again and perhaps some sports jerseys for both men and women. As noted we already off quite a selection so it's not the highest priority of content I'd like for our next "big release", but with the system I've developed for our clothing we can have endless within the limits I said earlier. The sky is the limit unlike any other customization that I've seen in Garry's Mod. So if you have a shirt design (decal/emblem) you like or a basic shirt look which we do not have please share!

One issue that I should make clear and there is no way around it, any design on top of a shirt (a decal) can not have black or lots of dark colors as these turn transparent. A shirt design by itself though can have any color. If you wish for it to be colorable using the color picker please state what part of it, it is you want to have color choice for.

(If we had someone who could model new characters and create a version with shorts or what have you then we could do more than just this. Also if they could texture some then we could do those, but for now our limit is set.)
I have to say... Having to make the textures we have now was already hard enough due to being limited to a simple sleeved pullover and long pants. Not to mention the ugly shoes. If we do get around setting up a new model from scratch to work with, we could gladly add more /types/ of clothing such as tank tops, shorts, skirts, lab coats?!, suits and whatever you crazy hobos wear.

P.S. I also want the sweater vest-vest back.
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