CoD Election - Candidate Selection

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As you may have already seen, I have handed in my resignation from my duties as Chief of Department. Due to this there is now a vacant post for a new Chief of Department. The Paralake Police Department needs new leader who is willing to undertake the role and responsibilities that is expected within this position.

The selection for Chief of Department is going to be chosen by a poll vote, candidates will be selected by myself (the outgoing CoD), members of Senior Administration and some other high ranking members of the department. In order to be considered for selection, potential candidates must reply to this thread with the following format:


Steam ID:

Why should you be selected as the new CoD?:

What experience do you hold which may benefit you in this role:

What change do you believe you can bring to the department?:

Additional Details:

Candidates may hold any rank/role within the department, however they must meet these requirements:
- Ability to demonstrate professionalism throughout the department & greater community.
- Hold sufficent experience within the department.
- Have a clean department record, with no serious punishment within the last 6 months.
- Have no community bans within the last 6 months.
- Have no community warnings within the last month.

Any posts which are clearly not serious will be deleted, and you will be dealt with by a staff member.

This thread will be locked this Saturday at 7PM (Uk Time). Make sure that you have submitted your application before this.

Thank you

Outgoing Chief of Department
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Weeaboo headquarters
Name: Imperial Watch, IG; David Green

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:18180894

Why should you be selected as the new CoD?:
I have a legitimate purpose in trying to improve the police department as I was one of the people who had a lot of influence as to what it has become today.

What experience do you hold which may benefit you in this role:
I was one of the first people, when the original PD update came out, to be elected a captain (not as meaningless as it now). I had a lot to do within the PD and came up with many suggestions alongside Jordan, which could easily be argued shaped the PD into what it is today.
During my time as Captain within the PD, I was well respected and acknowledged as one of the best cops out on the street.e

What change do you believe you can bring to the department?:
I will improve policy and accessibility of the PD in order to bring enjoyment to all of the people who play PERP to this day.

Additional Details:
This post really is not a joke. I am 100% serious. This post is a legitimate attempt at me trying to claim the spot that was owed me years ago!


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Leeds, England.
Name: Ayjay

Why should you be selected as the new CoD?:

Just over 5 months ago, I penned my resignation and left the Paralake Police Department after serving as Chief of Department alongside current Chief
@Samuel and former Deputy @TinySlayer. I resigned from this role due to me losing interest in the department generally, alongside mounting pressure from other commitments I had at the time, such as my former role as Senior Administrator and other IRL responsibilities. I don't regret the decision to resign, I think it was certainly healthy to hand over the reins, and allow somebody else an attempt to invoke necessary development throughout the department.

The PLPD is in a clear state of dismay. Despite many improvements in regards to functionality and management, there is still a long and winding
road to go in order to perfect what some may see as a stagnated project. I am back and in fighting shape. I now have the necessary spare time to donate
toward building a more transparent Police Department, which serves the people of this community, rather than being a dislodged entity which puts those
in the highest positions first.

Many changes are needed in order to close the ever so wide gap between Police Department and community, both of these things should work in harmony, rather than against each other.

As I have attempted to do in regards to server development recently, I will give everybody a voice and allow for votes to take place regarding
fundamental changes that affects both sides of gameplay.

What experience do you hold which may benefit you in this role:

I have previously served within the top job, and likely have more tangible experience than most (if not all) candidates who may apply for this position. I
have enacted important, meaningful changes and have been a fundemental part of development for the PD and community generally.
I am somebody you can trust to deliver significant and lasting changes, whilst always giving everybody a chance to voice their opinions. I am
well versed in the code of ethics, policies and practices and other important processes within the department.

I climbed my way up the ladder, leaving a mark on each division I was a part of - I have been involved with and created many assets & practices that are still within the department today, I have a clear unmatched pedigree and a passion to enact necessary changes that are long overdue.

What change do you believe you can bring to the department?:

I will aim to provide a more transparent style of management than what you may be used to, giving everbody a voice in fundemental changes across the department. Training and other resources will be reviewed and refined in order to improve the general quality of all officers who take on an officer role. The Internal Affairs system will be improved to work more efficently and fairly for all parties involved in investigations. Policies and practices will be rewritten to
provide a simpler approach to the job, having Officers ingest a lower quantity of higher quality information, rather than an abundance of poorly written

One thing which is extremely important and needs addressing ASAP, is the clear division that is created by the current intranet. I aim to move many functions of the department away from, and import them in-game. There is absolutely no excuse for members of the department to
be spending hours of their day on a website, there's currently a very fine line between roleplay and something that mimics a part time job.

Additional Details:

I hope that you can store your trust in me, and allow me to provide the necessary changes to improve both the Police Department and the community as a whole.

Thank you for reading.

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BigBenji (Steam) Anna May (IG Name but subject to change) Saint Wylde (Forum / TS3)

Steam ID:

Why should you be selected as the new CoD?:

I have been a member of the Paralake Police department since mid 2017, and despite a very slow start, Once I achieved Senior officer, I managed to climb the ranks as not only TFU, but a TFTO, Patrol section deputy and lead supervisor, and a Patrol trainer.

As a member of the PLPD, my infractions record is pretty small, only ever receiving 1 suspension (which I justified my actions successfully via IA), 1 Dismissal (which I appealed with an apology) and 1 written warning. My last server warning was September 2018 and my last ban was August 2018. I have never received a warning or ban for my actions as an LEO, and the closest thing to it would be my warning I got as an SS agent which was before SS agents were considered acting PD personnel. My last infraction was over a year ago, which was an excessive force written warning where I fired upon a vehicle where it wasn't necessary to do so, But I have learnt a lot since and come so far since.

My activity on the server alone is truly something to behold, clocking in over 6 months game time since 2017. Am I proud of it? In the sense of it being good experience on the server and maintaining activity, yes. The longest I've gone inactive for is 3 months. I have enough spare time to basically build a scale model village of my town, but I'd MUCH rather spend that being chief of the PLPD.

What experience do you hold which may benefit you in this role:

I have experience as both a lead and deputy section supervisor, as well as training staff for the TFU And Patrol divisions / sub divisions. I'm not the most experienced supervisor out there, only achieving a supervisory rank this spring (despite applying at the start of 2019, Processing error pog) , but I have a fair bit of experience nonetheless, and Being a chief of department will give me the opportunity to push my idea's in a new, Inclusive PLPD.

What change do you believe you can bring to the department?:

I will ensure that all training personnel, as well as services divisions such as People services, IA, etc. Are performing their duties to an acceptable standard, and make sure they are handsomely rewarded for their services. Regardless of rank, you will receive an award, Given that you have been doing your job! :)

I'd check the possibility of adding a "recommendation" function where supervisors or maybe even corporals can provide evidence of an officer performing there duties amazingly and have a monthly / bi monthly command meetings to see how we can reward that officer, with either a promotion , cash, or a service medal of some kind. I noticed that most awards in the PD are only given to long serving supervisors and command members, and feel as though that this system should be used to praise officers for valiant actions.

I will ensure that anyone who wants to climb the ranks to gain a certain position and rank in the PD can do so, Given that they are ready for such a role.

I believe I can do my part to make all divisions of the PD the best they can be, by allocating more time and planning for training sessions for every "physical" Role in the PD, such as TFU, RTU, Dispatch, and Patrol. Personally, I feel as though TFU especially could benefit from these training sessions, as there has not been an actual TFU training session in ages, and considering its the combat role of the PD, officers of the division could heavily benefit from this.

I'd also push for a new system for patrol trainers as they are currently relying on third party apps to store PD data, such as google office tools. There was a time where IA had to use these documentation apps and to be honest with you, I Imagine it'd be a lot easier.

I'd request that certain parts of the old PLPD forum be reopened, for secretive discussions that stay with only a specific division, Such as a new TFO asking for advice on the TFU Forum of the old PD forum, allowing TFO's to discuss secret tactics incognito. Should this feature not be used, just like it was before however, I'd make sure to do away with it, but only as a last resort.

The PD has been heavily scrutinised in the past for alleged nepotism, so if that turns out to be the case, I would be sure to swiftly act on any cases of nepotism I find. Any cases presented to, or discovered by me, as well as any other criticisms towards the PD, will be addressed with a fairly lengthy, but straight to the point, response, giving ABSOLUTELY NOTHING more than the truth.

Additional Details:
I understand I have a somewhat confrontational attitude when playing on the server, and I feel as though this might sway people from accepting me as a chief, but I can ensure you, when it comes to the Police department, I have maintained an upmost professional attitude on all my endeavours in the PD.

Also @Dom_ for CoD :)
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Name:Jordan Bradbury

Steam ID:


Why should you be selected as the new CoD?: If i was selected to be Chief I would hold professional standard to the PD and enforce policy to my best ability and provide sufficient help to employee's for any reason they need, I love to help others and patrol with others, I also provide tips and help officers who need help with anything e.g. experience patrolling and telling them what is right and wrong and providing some aid to any officers that need help.

I would love to have the role of CoD to provide the upmost respect and help to the department and the citizens of Perpheads and hearing peoples opinion and giving chances to the public i will also be including public statements of what we are improving in the department including the policy and officer training, I genuinely would put my upmost best into making the department better and to have the most satisfaction in the department from the officers and civilians.

What experience do you hold which may benefit you in this role:

I have plenty of experience with helping others and providing aid and instructions to officers and civilians in need. I am currently a rtu and a SO, i get joy of helping others even when low ranking officers and probationary officers and i even provide help when im off duty. I also am studying law in university irl and believe it will help me with upholding the rank of Chief, I also have experience as being officer on other games including arma 3, My highest rank i've been in any department was Lt. i also have experience in basic laws and experience in have in training officers to preform in duty.

What change do you believe you can bring to the department?:

Better policy and better training, I would also love to help change the department in helpful ways to low and high ranking officers. I would do my best to improve the Internal affairs system and lowering the time for cases to close to 2-3 days depending on the evidence and situation of the case instead of weeks.

I would provide changes to almost anything in the pd we need to provide officers with there performance while on duty, i would also give help to divisions in the pd to the best of my ability and make almost most of every major changes in the pd a polls to hear everyone's opinion or request for additions or something to removed in the department

Additional Details:

I know i most likely wont get the rank since im senior officer but i will attempt to do it. *I love when others go to me for help or even ask to patrol with me! i have absolutely no issue with helping others and being with other people, I also am studying law in university and wish to become an officer in real life, i also believe that will help me provide excellent service to the department and others, If i ever lost interest in the department or server i would gladly hand over the position to the best suited person in the department.

i also am a friendly and outgoing person and i believe everyone's voice should be heard, i am also calm when it comes to talking and helping people.

(side note i have a very bad sleep schedule and it switches almost every week so i can help out during the day or night aka calm hours of the server)
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Reaction score
Name: Tyla Jai

Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:56687120

Why should you be selected as the new CoD?: I am probably the most favoured and experienced candidate for this position.

What experience do you hold which may benefit you in this role: Ex- Deputy Chief of Department, Ex- Captain of Support Services

What change do you believe you can bring to the department?: I would like to make it more fun and interesting as well as introduce new features such as pava spray.

Additional Details: I don't need to be ingame to be the CoD I can manage from here. I wish other candidates good fortune in the years to come.
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Salisbury, Rhodesia
Name: Freedor21 | Tony Ryers

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58219050

Why should you be selected as the new CoD?: I have been playing perp since mid 2014. I was here before the whitelist, I was there, watching the whitelist be put into effect, and I was there to see what happened afterwards. I have been here to see legends such as Jordan @Ayjay serve as the chief of department. I have been here, watching, observing, and learning. The point is that I have listened, watched, and learned from not only the previous chiefs, but from command members and my colleagues, some of whom reached out to me to assist me becoming a better officer, such as @Mimball, @Garret_Pp, and @A1L. I have received only overwhelmingly positive observation reports and received praise from my colleagues. Unfortunately, there are some people I cant' get along with, but I have worked with these people both in and out of game with little or no issues. Because I have been playing mainly as a police officer for almost 5 years, I think I have the knowledge and skillset required for someone in the position.

What experience do you hold which may benefit you in this role: Though unfortunately I have not been in a supervisory role in this community, I have held such roles in other communities, and I can provide a list and explain my duties if requested. I have been in contact with several officers in sub divisions, and through our conversations, I somewhat understand how these work, such as internal affairs and dispatch. I have mediated dozens of in game disputes, not only between other officers, but between other government employees in general. I have also acted as a supervisor in several instances to the best of my ability when none are on.

What change do you believe you can bring to the department?: I have several ideas that I think could benefit the department as a whole, which you will see the threads of in a few days, such as a dispatch overhaul and new policies regarding supervisors. I know that officer training is somewhat of a touchy subject, but I believe that with enough community input, a plan can be put into place that will increase the quality of officers, without discouraging to many players from joining. Additional changes will be outlines in the actual suggestion threads.

Additional Details: I understand that I am not well liked in the community for several reasons, but I think that those reasons should be put aside and be entirely separate from my roles in the PLPD. I also want to reiterate the point that I don't heavily dislike many, if any, community members. Like you, I get frustrated and angry, but it's nothing personal.
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Sheffield, United Kingdom
Name: Eviction Notice

Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:54479615

Why should you be selected as the new CoD?: I'm just the right man to fix a broken department which has been a constant negative impact on the servers health since these damn ranks came into play in the first place.

What experience do you hold which may benefit you in this role: I was a corporal of patrol, nothing much else really. Who needs experience?

What change do you believe you can bring to the department?: Remove most of the unneeded ranking structure tid-bits as well as make it easier for individuals to join and be promoted in the department. Also, work to improve on the corruption/favoritism within the ranks.

Additional Details: Let's not allow individuals who have had their chance to change the department for the better to be put back into power with no difference coming of it. Vote someone new, vote someone who isn't just talk.
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Professional Stripper
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Just a good point. We saw with Tiny resigning how hard it is to balance time as a developer and a chief. What makes you think it will be different this time? You've made all these promises as a developer with a new map ane new content by 3 months into next year, how are you going to do all this as well?


Professional Stripper
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You don't meet the requirements:
-Have a clean department record, with no serious punishment within the last 6 months.


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Leeds, England.
@Daigestive Tiny has a social life.

In all seriousness, I have ample time in the first quarter of next year to donate towards perp. The PD is a huge part of the general gameplay of the gamemode & it is in dire need of changes. I believe there is currently somebody else working on a new map, I will assist them where they need help but that would take a large portion of work off my hands.

I'm working with other people such as @roxie who is working on models - other development work will be delivered next year alongside important changes to the PD. I've assessed my time accordingly & know how much I can donate to improving the decaying structure of the department
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No he got his hat back, Officer again, the same day he executed another officer....
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Name: Dom

Steam ID:

Why should you be selected as the new CoD?: I am Deputy and have worked alongside the two previous chiefs very closely, have a full understanding of what the role entails and know the weaknesses they had. Should I be selected as CoD over @Ayjay, I would use this previous experience to make the changes the PD and community want, whilst also maintaining a good and sensible balance. Those who have worked closely with me during my time as ACoD and DCoD know the dedication I have towards my position in the PD, and know that I have done what I can within my jurisdiction to make changes that people actually want.

What experience do you hold which may benefit you in this role: Ex Captain of patrol, Ex Major of General Operations, Assistant and Deputy Chief.

What change do you believe you can bring to the department?: I would ensure a much more democratic approach to making changes and implementing suggestions. Listening to the community as a whole has always been a priority for me and if it was completely up to me I'd make sure that this was a common practice, I would also bring a lot less lenient approach to inactive or underperforming command members or members of Senior administration, ensuring an active and efficient flow within our staff team. Suggestions surrounding the PD would regularly be looked into, such as changes to TFU and PLPD.ONLINE, and communication throughout the PD would be a priority, as most changes are not communicated with the rest of our members at the moment.

Additional Details: If you don't want to vote me, vote @Ayjay please, he would do a fucking great job too and I wouldn't want to be bossed around by anyone else xx
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South Wales, United Kingdom

Name: Appricey / Lucifer Winters

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104843094


Why should you be selected as the new CoD?:

I joined this community in late 2014, early 2015 and I have remained a member since, with the occasional time where I would try to leave, but I always got drawn back. The reason this community has been something I have dedicated the majority of my time to is due to the police department. I have always contributed my time in this community to the policing aspect of the community and have spent numerous hours in policing and increasing the standards of policing role-play within this community.

When I first joined this community, the police system was very minimal and consisted of two supervisory ranks, I quickly gained these ranks and was a police supervisor for sometime until the police white list was released. After the police white list I was made a police corporal and worked my way up the ranks to eventually reach the rank of lieutenant. During this period of time I always strived to ensure that there was high standards in police role play and that I worked my hardest at all times.

Since, I have held a range of roles in many of the different divisions and positions that are available in the new department which has allowed me to develop an extensive set of skills and qualities in which would make me a suitable candidate for the position of Chief of Department, I have held a number of roles within leadership including; internal affairs, dispatch and academy which has provided me with an in depth knowledge of the internal workings of the department and how the department runs.

I am hard-working and dedicated to police role-play, and if selected as the new Chief of Department I would work tirelessly to ensuring that police role-play standards are increased and that the police department has a professional, yet enjoyable atmosphere in which people can come and gain an incredible role-playing experience from the police officers. I believe that my dedication towards police role-play and ensuring standards within this aspect of the community is upheld makes me a perfect candidate in which to place in this position to ensure the department is being left with an active and enthusiastic chief of department to take the reigns and work tirelessly to moving the department forward and improving upon the works of predecessors.
I'm a decorated officer with a number of awards and commendations for distinguished service in which I feel has demonstrated my commitment and my ability to lead this department.

What experience do you hold which may benefit you in this role:

I have been a member of the Paralake Police Department for an extensive period of time and have held a number of positions within a range of divisions in which I am extremely proud of regardless of what bumps may have been hit along the way.

I have been a member of the Dispatch Command Team, where I worked tirelessly alongside Captain Lewis Robertson to forward the division and help get it to the standards in which we did which myself and Mr Robertson was very proud of.
I have also been a member of the Academy Command Team, where I worked to ensure professional officers were being recruited and training was done to ensure officers were appropriately trained to deal with the challenges of policing. As part of my time in this position I also played a key part in the successful roll out of the "M26C Tazer" where I was responsible for the planning and execution of the mandatory training needed upon the release of the taser which was described by Former Chief of Department Steven Arnott as a huge success.
Finally, I have held a position within the Internal Affairs Command Team, this is the position where I was most proud to have served in as I believe I played a critical role in ensuring professional standards were maintained to the highest of standards and I worked tirelessly and without complaint to close a extensive number of extremely complicated investigations in which I worked to ensure the enforcement of policing standards.

As a result of all these positions in which I have held I have overcome an extensive range of challenges in which had its ups and downs, but I always worked to overcome and improve where needed and I feel that with my time and experience this has given me the experience of knowing my strengths and my weaknesses and then being able to improve upon them.

What change do you believe you can bring to the department?:

If selected to this position there are numerous changes that I would want to work with my senior management team to introduce, which include:

CHANGES TO PROCEDURES AND TRAINING - I want to ensure that the training officers receive is of the highest of standards and that officers are not only receiving the training necessary to conduct their duties efficiently, but also to safe their lives within the field. I also want to implement new procedures in which to increase the efficiency of our officers and ensuring that they act within the confines of the law, but also to protect them as police officers.

"YOUR VOICE MATTERS" - This department has played host to a variety of police schemes and programmes, however I feel as a member of this department that one of the most important schemes that this department has is not one of importance, I don't mean any offence to current administration within the department, however under my administration I promise that the voices of each of the department's employees are heard with fairness and impartiality and that they have their opinions fairly reviewed and scrutinised. Under my administration I intend on ensuring everybody is heard and that the department is run as it should be and that is by the people, ensuring that their voices are listened to and fairly scrutinised, while also ensuring that the department remains a shining light and works to maximum efficiency.

COMMUNICATION - One of my priorities would be to ensure that standards of communication between divisions and between division members are increased. Also I would work to ensure standards of communication through the on-duty radio is enforced more strictly as this is one of our officers most important tools. I also feel that communication between the senior management team and the members of our great community could be worked upon and I would ensure that I work with my administration to ensure this is the case.

ROLE FAIRNESS, EQUALITY AND ACTIVITY - Another of my areas of change would be on role fairness and equality. In my administration I would work tirelessly to ensure that the officers who show dedication and commitment to the department and exceptional standards of police role-play are rewarded adequately for such dedication. I would work tirelessly to ensure that everybody is treated fairly regardless of personal affiliation and those who distinguish themselves are treated as such. I would like to work tirelessly to eradicate the current idea of favouritism amongst the senior members of this department ensuring that everyone is fairly and appropriately selected and reasonable feedback provided to those who don't make the cut. Activity among senior members of this department would also be important to me, while I will be reasonable in regards to this I also would like to work to ensure that those who are not working to the best of their ability or being as active as they should be are placed in more suitable positions for their activity and dedication and those who deserve to obtain the senior positions within the department and are willing to put in extensive work and dedication to said position are in those positions.

There are many other things I could bring into this application, however this is just an insight into what I would work towards if selected for this position.

Additional Details:

I would like to thank those who have read my application and I sincerely hope that I am promptly considered for this position as I feel I could make some serious reforms in which would benefit the quality of police role-play within this community greatly.

Thank you,
Lucifer Winters
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Name: Liam Newman
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:26840720

Why should you be selected as the new CoD?: I should selected to be the new cod because I believe nobody can hold this rank except me. I know this application will be not much detailed but I get straight to the point, and that what a real cod should do get straight to the point.

What experience do you hold which may benefit you in this role: I hold alot of experience as police officer on the server.

What change do you believe you can bring to the department?: increase the police payments, add another 2 swat van slots, professional training to the whole police department

Additional Details: I would like to thank those who have read my application
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Berlin, Germany
Name: Collier

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:65309961

Why should you be selected as the new CoD?:


The first time I held a Command role was back in 2016, where I was a Lieutenant in Patrol. Before this, I had quickly risen through the ranks and it only took me 2 months to get Lt. after applying for Senior Officer. I didn’t stay in Patrol for very long in 2016 and took a break from PERP for a while (Both Staff and PD).

A little while later, I returned and played actively as a criminal for a while before I rejoined the PD. Once again, I climbed through the ranks very quickly and started my role as Lieutenant of RTU in April of 2018, a position I stayed in for over a year. Within this time, I only took a total of 24 days off spread out over my time as Lieutenant. As Lt., I spent a lot of time In-Game and was without question one of, if not the most, active Command Member IG. Despite my good activity In-Game and staff rank, I created countless documents and put forward several ideas that helped develop the RTU division as a whole.

Later, after 14 months, a position for Major opened up. Despite the fact that I had only held Primary Command roles in the past and was still very fond of the RTU division, I wanted to challenge myself even more, so I applied for Major. I selected Head of Tactical Operations as my preference because I thought a change of pace would be a new challenge and lo and behold, I was accepted.

This was almost half a year ago and since then I have gained a lot of experience as Major and did a lot of work for my Line, which I will elaborate on in the next question. During that time, I worked closely with my teams and still do.


As Lieutenant

For my entire time as Command and Major, I was probably the most active Command Member In-Game and to this day I am the most active member of SMT In-Game as well. In my 14 months of being Lieutenant, I spent 517.46 hours on the server, averaging at around 40 hours every month whilst I also ran countless RTU stages and did a lot of document work. I rarely ever missed an RTU Stage in that time.

As Major
Once I got Major and Admin in the same month nearly 6 months ago, my workload increased severely, yet I was still able to maintain high In-Game activity. Since becoming Major, I have spent 150.66 hours as a cop on the server, averaging at roughly 25 hours per month.

I have some ideas for the department that I will elaborate on in the last question regarding transparency, new players, returning employees and discussions as well as comprehensive lists of people that are denied a promotion during meetings.

What experience do you hold which may benefit you in this role:

As a Lieutenant

I worked as a Patrol Lt. in 2016 and returned to command again in 2018 as Lt. of RTU. During that time, I spent a lot of time working on documents and putting forward lots of ideas to help improve the division. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Reworking applications with Tom
  • Changing policies
  • Creating training resources
  • Running stages
  • Implementing the retraining scheme in conjunction with PSD

As a Major
Later, I was promoted to Major and now hold the title of Head of Tactical Operations. Since then, I have worked on quite a few things with my teams. Most notably, I worked on the following:

  • Monthly TFU recruitment

    One of the first things I implemented was monthly TFU recruitment. This worked exceptionally well for several months as training was planned in advance and TFTO activity was at its peak. When I applied for TFU years ago, I was a Corporal. I ended up completing the process as a Lieutenant. It took ages for apps to be done. Under the monthly recruitment, there were only 1 week gaps per stage and TFU recruitment was faster than it has ever been in the department’s history.

  • Reworking policies

    We changed a lot of internal policies to help encourage returning PLPD employees rejoin TFU by changing the way reinstatements worked. This was a very welcome change to a lot of people that had previously held the rank and were able to be reinstated

  • Retraining

    Inspired by the retraining scheme Tom and I introduced into RTU, we coordinated a similar scheme with PSD to have some complaints referred to TFU for mandatory retraining.

TFU was at an all time high, especially in terms of activity. I believe I played a large role in making that happen.

Dispatch underwent changes too. A new command member was chosen to replace the old ones and development was pushed for self-assigning units and adding unit radio. Since then, we have begun work on resources and the handbook.

I also briefly took over as acting Head of General Operations, giving me even more versatile Command experience.

To this day, I am still one of the most active members of the Complaint Committee as well.

What changes do you believe you can bring to the department?:


I am concerned about the department’s reputation as a whole and would like to take steps to improve this. I believe we can be more transparent about decisions we are making or are planning to make and comment on public issues through statements or TS discussions. A few months ago when a blogpost was created, I believe a statement would’ve been helpful and should similar issues arrive, we should be open about them and comment on them in a comprehensive way.

As for suggestions or development, frequent discussions should be held (either on TS or on the Forums) so the public can see what we plan on implementing and our reasoning behind it.

Aside from this, I believe promotions meetings should be more transparent as well. The Command Teams should make comprehensive lists as to why people are denied, which will be fed back to the Officer, who can then consult their Section Supervisor or Command Team to figure out how to improve. Perhaps through 1-1 training sessions with their Section Supervisor/Command Team or PTTs?

Returning Employees
I believe policies should be amended to welcome returning employees back to the Department. This could either mean being more lenient on the time they stay away affecting their rank or perhaps amending promotion policies so they can be promoted faster if they still hold the same skills they did before at a higher rank in the eyes of the Primary Command Teams.

New Players
I think more attention should be given to newer players who actively show an interest in the PD and they should be offered ways to improve and resources and guides for everyday policing so they are more confident

Underperforming Employees
This is something I have addressed before to members of SMT, as I feel like the performance disciplinary policy for administrative roles can be improved upon so it is easier to deal with employees who often underperform for long periods of time. Currently, if we set a review period for these employees, they are given a chance to improve until their review date is up. During this time, the employee will tend to work harder than normal. Once this time is up, activity tends to drop again and there is not a lot C/Os can do in terms of disciplining them. This needs to change as it is not acceptable that employees can get away with holding ranks they clearly have no interest in putting work into.

The way the current bonuses work is good but can be improved upon. Extra performance bonus is a thing too which is good, but I think doing more work should be incentivised even more. For example, bonuses could be scaleable based on how many applications a trainer marks, for example. This would encourage competition and improve results overall. Someone that marks 10 applications might get the same amount as someone that marks 20. If bonuses were scaleable, payment would be determined by a viable metric and be more representatitve of the work they have done.

Additional Details: I do not expect you to read this whole application. If something interests you, certain topics are headlined so it is easier for you to read what is important to you.

Thank you for reading my application.
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