Community Survey Responses #2

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Reaction score


These are the results of the Community Survey, thought I would tag it onto the community spotlight so you do not have to read two separate posts!​

So first up, Community Management!​

Community Management

Very little area of concern with regards to Community Management, with just 15.3% rating three or lower.​
The complaints we did receive were mainly unproven or not real issues as far I can see. However there is one complaint I will address. I will then go on-to address the areas people want Community Management to focus on.​
We received a couple of concerns that Tyla and I were stagnating and not doing anything. This is completely up to perception and I understand Tyla and I may not be making public changes as often as we once did. This is simply because we do not feel there are many issues within the community that we can change. Much of the remaining things on our to-do list require development which takes time. However, if you have anything you ever want me or Tyla to look at, please DM us.​
Police Department
There was some complaints that we focussed on the Police Department too much, however, we have recently taken steps to revitalise the Police Department and help improve transparency within the department that I am sure @Hendricks will detail soon.​
We also had complaints that we focussed on the PD too much, this will soon no longer be an issue as we have separated Police Department from other areas of management in the Community.​
Staff Team
Unfortunately we have very little to do with the staff team outside of admin meetings. So please direct all concerns regarding this to @Collier. This will be touched on later.​



Not really any areas of concern here, however 28% feel they were not happy with Senior Administration and Administration. I have spoken with @Collier and he has outlined the upcoming changes to me to address concerns.​
To combat activity, there will be a more strict approach taken towards inactivity amongst the staff, additionally, Administration will now post report counts, with names omitted to show the number of reports dealt with and more statistics.​
Staff Complaints
To show how many staff complaints we receive and have to deal with, at the next admin meeting it will be discussed whether we can show similar details to PSD within the PD. So for example, how many complaints we receive, how many we accept and how many we deny.​

Police Department

Arguably the biggest area of concern was the Police Department. We saw concerns over activity and transparency within the Police Department. As a result of the survey we replaced the Chiefs and have taken steps to ensure it cannot happen again and we look forward working with @Hendricks to cement this.​
As said we replaced the Chiefs with @Hendricks and @Super_ and have put policies into place that will be detailed by @Hendricks in his announcement.​
Again, @Hendricks will implement a team that will be taking steps to counter this and they will be independent of the Police Department, similar to CC. More details to follow.​
Communication with Community
@Hendricks again, has plans in regards to this and plans to run something similar to the Community Meeting or Community Survey, again, keep your eyes peeled!​


I know a lot of these changes are promises, however, please hold the relevant people and Community Management accountable if these are not acted on in a suitable way. Judging from the response Community Surveys are a lot more popular than the Community Meetings so we will probably host a mini Community Meeting that people can attend if they wish in a few months and a large Community Survey in about 6 months time.​
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