PERPHeads Community Survey & Open Discussion

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PERPHeads Community Survey & Open Discussion

Hi guys, hope everyone's well. Before we get into some serious boring stuff, I'd like to thank everyone again for participating in the community awards, it was a great outcome and it was amazing to get everyone involved!

So, I resigned from Senior Administrator on the 4th of September 2015 which is crazy as I've never ever played on a Garry's Mod community as a regular user, everywhere I've joined I've pursued to get staff, so playing a whole year as a user has been a different experience for me. Although I've left the staff team, I'm still incredibly interested in affairs within the community. I think I can speak for most people in the community, I've met a lot of great people in this community which I wouldn't have met if PERPHeads wasn't here, I can even go to the lengths of saying I've now made one of my best friends from PERPHeads (shoutout to my outlaw @chrissy, thoughts are with you fam)

Besides, that's enough about me as that's not why we're here... Essentially, I'd like to hear the community's thoughts, comments, concerns and views about the PERPHeads community; staff team, server, forums, etc, we're coming up to 2017 and it'd be nice to iron out any problems and even have some things changed. Now, please don't think this thread is because of all this "AR Drama" that's going on, this is genuinely something I've been planning for a while to do before 2017.

To add, I don't want people thinking this is some sort of drama or beef epidemic, it's the complete opposite, I can not stand it when people sit in the Shoutbox, OOC or Team Speak outlining how much the community sucks and all the issues when they are not constructive or provide a way to solve the issue.


As a community, I feel it's incredibly important to let everyone have a voice in how things work as some people have some darn good ideas, I think I realized this from running the Police Department. So my plan is;

  • Members participate in the anonymous survey.
  • Responses collected and trends and patterns are found.
  • Liaise with the Senior Administration team and create 'action plans' out of points raised by the community.
  • Community kept updated with changes.
As I mentioned, the community really is something I care about and I think not a lot of people realize how much it even means to them. As I previously said, I still really care about the affairs of the community and I want to make sure it's heading in the right direction, and what better idea is there than getting everyone involved and having a say.

We did a 'Employee Satisfaction Survey' with the Police Department and I can't even put into words how much it's helped us shape the modern Police Department. Check out the Internal thread here:


The Community Survey will be open until 01/01/2017 to allow plenty of time for people to participate. I will be asking @MrLewis if I can turn the post into an article (so it features) on home page and allowing an alert to be sent out to the entire community. In the mean time, can I ask if you can please share this with everyone possible!

If anyone wants to share their views at all in this thread, please do! As stated, open discussion; be civil and respect other peoples views.


  • Coming up to the new year and I'd like to gather people's comments, views and views about the community to be passed onto the Senior Administration Team.
  • Anonymous survey to gather this information.
  • Patterns and trends will be identified with the data produced and 'Action Plans' will be made with the Senior Administration team.
Just gonna start this discussion with a view from a staff member that I feel should be looked at by SA, but also be heard by members.

As a staff member, we are expected to go on the server and obviously enforce the rules, which of course isn't an issue, however I personally feel it's getting to the point where we find it difficult to manage both our administrative and leisure time on the server. Due to the volume and range of issues that arise every literally 10 to 30 minutes on the server, and the little amount of staff available, there is hardly any time for us to role play, something that we all very much enjoy doing. This obviously demotivates us to go onto the server, as we feel we are going on to essentially work rather than have fun, meaning less staff are available, less reports are being done, and many (not all) are just assuming the staff team are 'lazy'.

I'm not saying this is an issue with staff at all, I just feel SA should begin to look into ways of allowing us to even our time for role playing, and our time for helping with reports etc. I feel there is some sort of solution that could be made for this, no idea what but I'm sure a way will be figured out.

The reason I feel the community should also hear this is to maybe cut some slack to staff members. Many many many people do, however for those who don't do need to try understand that we don't just come on to do reports, we come on to have some fun too :D

This isn't an issue that only I have noticed, I've also heard the same from both ex staff and current staff. I don't want to resign due to this, as I do enjoy my position, there just has to be something put together to allow us time to both role play, and do reports.

TL;DR myself and other staff are finding it difficult to balance our time for role play and time for doing reports, demotivating us from coming on the server.

Also thanks to @Jordan for making this thread, I believe it'll be very beneficial for the community! :)
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@HolyShititsDannyD i agree with you there, maybe some sort of SLA (Service Level Agreement) is in order i.e. time frame reports shouldbe handled ect this may benefit the community and staff team

// phone
From what i think, staff has started to spend less and less time on reports, so it adds more unfair charges. I guess if we get mroe staff members It'll change
In all seriousness there is nothing wrong with the server that wasnt also the case a year ago
I do think the problem is the rules are being taken quite literally in some cases with little to no leniency in cases where misunderstandings could have taken place, and therefore people's perception of the staff team is slowly degrading.
And ofc if you've played here for years, I've played here for nearly 2, you're just going to assume all the negative things youve seen apply more frequently than the positives. This also applies in the sense that some players complain about everything that is being said / done in for example the staff team, who also just need to stfu
tl;dr, stop playing or stop bitching its just a fucking game
Servers pretty lit rn ngl


I don't even know how people can complain about this staff team, compared to other gmod communities it's by far the best one out there. Coming from a darkRP community where every tom dick or bean can could get moderator the differences are notable for the better.
I think that there are many inconsistencies when it comes to the rules, and many questions about them. It would be great to have a thread where people could ask staff members about rules and situations. For example, right now I wonder if I actually should act like I am tied up if someone does "/me ties" without a zip tie. The /me is invalid, but 2.6 says I should go on with the roleplay. Should I get tied up or not?
What I dislike is the fact that we always have to blame someone for something in this community, I mean I know there's a lot of situations within the community where some members just find something that they dislike and then try to start some kind of stupid revolution of it, I've been apart of the community since 2013, there's been so many situations where some members start hating on certain things for absolutely no reason at all, I'll take an example from 2013 where S-Hooden was one of the biggest and most powerful organisations out there, as a sweater at that time I didn't really know what side I should take but it ended up in me hating S-Hooden myself and I also started throwing shame on them in the OOC chat where an arguement started for several hours for absolutely no reason at all.

Now one thing I've noticed that a lot of people get pissed off at or atleast try to start drama on is stuff they don't even know about, for example the staff team, this is what I think is one of the main things people always complain about but I honestly don't see a reason for it, I know for a fact that a lot of people say that half of the staff team is inactive and never on, now that may be true to some extent I honestly don't see a reason for this to be done, the only thing this does is actually unmotivate staff to go on the server cus you know, they're gonna get shit on? I have to agree though at one point this year the staff team had a slump in the reports and we had meetings about this and dealt with it internally and reports from then have been dealt with very quickly, sometimes obviously people are going to have to wait because you know, we RP aswell. Now after the reports have been going well I can just see the main people who always need drama going towards players being "salty and posting revenge ars" which is just dumb, I think it's very vauge statement to say this as obviously if someone has broken the rules in their own AR they will obviously have to be punished for it, because after all; They broke the rules?
Now one thing I've noticed that a lot of people get pissed off at or atleast try to start drama on is stuff they don't even know about, for example the staff team, this is what I think is one of the main things people always complain about but I honestly don't see a reason for it.

What's more funny is that you seem so blinded by your position that within 12 hours of this form being up you already feel threatened that there will be 'complaints' about the staff team and see the need to drop this in here.

Personally one thing that always annoys me is that all staff need to wear the same face in public, you can't ask the opinion of a staff member what they feel about a ban/AR/dispute or whatever it is when its being dealt with by another staff member. Honestly if this form wasn't anonymous i doubt many people would want to speak up their mind as their are scared of becoming the scapegoat for certain staff members. This is also a reason i tried signing up as a staff member but getting shot down regardless of the amount of community support, i wanted to see more transparency across the entire community.
As a previous staff member it's easy to do reports and help people out, yet perpheads has allot of staff and there's like only one on and one person can not do 50 reports on their own, get your act together and help your homies out.
I filled it in but they were a lot of open questions.
Maybe next time you should do more multiple choice so you can pour them into a nice excel chart.

Quantative data such as charts and graphs will not help us, we need qualitative data such as open questions where we can identify issues through constructive comments made. If we ask closed questions we're not going to get a range of answers that we need.
@HolyShititsDannyD i agree with you there, maybe some sort of SLA (Service Level Agreement) is in order i.e. time frame reports shouldbe handled ect this may benefit the community and staff team

// phone

I believe that the difficulty for staff to manage their leisure and service time is an issue, just as I believe that public impatience is the primary cause of the issue, however I do not believe that having staff abide to an agreement which manages how their personal time should be implemented, nor would it necessarily solve the problem.

The whole purpose of having a voluntary staff team is that they volunteer their own free time to aid other members' problems. Yes, staff members should allocate some of their time to assist players using the status given to them, but it should be their choice of when this happens, not the SLA's choice.

If people believe that specific staff member(s) spend too little time assisting players, simply contact a member of the Senior Administration so that the issue can be internally dealt with by them... If Senior Administration feel that their 'service time' is inadequate and non-beneficial, then they will be dealt with.

People (non-staff) need to be let know that staff members are volunteers and not entitled to help us at every moment.
Thank goodness someone in the community had a positive and RESOLVATIVE (that means taking action, not just blatantly saying things on the forums) idea to #MAKE PREPHEADS GREAT AGAIN.

Keep up the great work man, I really enjoyed submitting my survey , and I hope you collect enough data from the community to have a broad micro/macro idea of what people here have on their minds.

Thanks for taking your time to do something as great as this!
Just going to put my input which doesn't do much but want to get my word out there.

During the time I played, it had many ups and downs, downs overcome the ups though. Meaning there was more bad then good.

Staff shouldn't be blamed at all, but some people need to. To start off, many people like to act as the victim and blame the staff for banning/warning/punishing, but if you should have received it there's nothing they can do. So thats when the beef comes in and the arguing in the forums come. People then begin to judge the staff to be lazy, biased and everything else they say which is mostly bad. Forums are administrated well although when there's beef sometimes no one does anything but keep posting and then after 20min getting banned. Although I won't side with anyone.

Teamspeak is just aids in a nutshell. People micspam, yell and do all kinds of stuff which I am not going to act like a victim, I have done it many times. Mostly TS channels are filled with staff muted, and I don't blame them as they are administrating in-game (Hopefully thats what they do) But there needs to be someone that is responsible for anything that happens or someone to actually administrate certain parts of the community meaning TS, forums etc.

I left this community because of the people which do play and probably still do. A lot of people in this community don't care much about others, and just make up excuses for what they do for example; "In-game im a cunt but IRL im very nice" No. Thats most likely not even close to the truth. Now I know you might say this is the internet, but some people to actually hate when people do that, or get salty in admin sits and you still get blamed for it.

TL;DR There should be changes in TS, forums for administrating them, also a lot of people in this community dgaf

This is my honest opinion, if you don't agree tell me why don't just rate shit.

Hey guys it's Nicole.

I can not stand it when people sit in the Shoutbox, OOC or Team Speak outlining how much the community sucks and all the issues when they are not constructive or provide a way to solve the issue.

Firstly I'd like to rate this sentence a dab dab dab double dab dab/10. It hits the nail right on the head and some of the posts in this thread are already doing exactly this.

As bold of a statement as this is Perpheads, as both a gamemode and a community doesn't really have any serious problems. Sure there are some inconsistencies and questionable moves here and there but that has and always will be the case. The real issue is how minor incidents are blown out of proportion and exaggerated by ignorance, misinformation and blind rage. Let me name a few situations I endured dealt with during my time in Administration:

In almost all the cases above there was the potential for good, valid arguments to be made by both sides. However each situation was approached with hostility and finger pointing with absolutely no attempt at being constructive. Now don't get me wrong everyone has the right to defend or oppose a decision but this needs to be done constructively and with less hostility for there to be any actual improvements.

A lesson in constructive criticism etiquette with MronPipelead





Moron pipplemydick made me login via PerpHeads forum link to this thread; if you get hot and spicy over an internet forum you don't deserve the privilege of the internet.

Fantastic input so far on the thread and survey from many members of the community. Remember, survey does close on the 1st of January, so if you have not already, please submit your survey!
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