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PERPHeads Community Survey & Open Discussion
Hi guys, hope everyone's well. Before we get into some serious boring stuff, I'd like to thank everyone again for participating in the community awards, it was a great outcome and it was amazing to get everyone involved!

So, I resigned from Senior Administrator on the 4th of September 2015 which is crazy as I've never ever played on a Garry's Mod community as a regular user, everywhere I've joined I've pursued to get staff, so playing a whole year as a user has been a different experience for me. Although I've left the staff team, I'm still incredibly interested in affairs within the community. I think I can speak for most people in the community, I've met a lot of great people in this community which I wouldn't have met if PERPHeads wasn't here, I can even go to the lengths of saying I've now made one of my best friends from PERPHeads (shoutout to my outlaw @chrissy, thoughts are with you fam)
Besides, that's enough about me as that's not why we're here... Essentially, I'd like to hear the community's thoughts, comments, concerns and views about the PERPHeads community; staff team, server, forums, etc, we're coming up to 2017 and it'd be nice to iron out any problems and even have some things changed. Now, please don't think this thread is because of all this "AR Drama" that's going on, this is genuinely something I've been planning for a while to do before 2017.
To add, I don't want people thinking this is some sort of drama or beef epidemic, it's the complete opposite, I can not stand it when people sit in the Shoutbox, OOC or Team Speak outlining how much the community sucks and all the issues when they are not constructive or provide a way to solve the issue.

As a community, I feel it's incredibly important to let everyone have a voice in how things work as some people have some darn good ideas, I think I realized this from running the Police Department. So my plan is;
- Members participate in the anonymous survey.
- Responses collected and trends and patterns are found.
- Liaise with the Senior Administration team and create 'action plans' out of points raised by the community.
- Community kept updated with changes.
We did a 'Employee Satisfaction Survey' with the Police Department and I can't even put into words how much it's helped us shape the modern Police Department. Check out the Internal thread here:

The Community Survey will be open until 01/01/2017 to allow plenty of time for people to participate. I will be asking @MrLewis if I can turn the post into an article (so it features) on home page and allowing an alert to be sent out to the entire community. In the mean time, can I ask if you can please share this with everyone possible!
- SUBMIT YOUR SURVEY HERE: https://goo.gl/forms/2XMYxfX0SHJcaVAq1
If anyone wants to share their views at all in this thread, please do! As stated, open discussion; be civil and respect other peoples views.

- Coming up to the new year and I'd like to gather people's comments, views and views about the community to be passed onto the Senior Administration Team.
- Anonymous survey to gather this information.
- Patterns and trends will be identified with the data produced and 'Action Plans' will be made with the Senior Administration team.