Computer I plan to get...

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London, United Kingdom
Hello, ladies and gentlemen.
I soon plan to get a new PC at around Christmas time this year or sometime next spring. I know it may not seem like the best computer, but I'm tight on a budget and hopefully by then Mister Osbourne would of lowered VAT and taxes. Tell me what you think and if you think that everything is balanced. Don't start bragging about how your PC is better or how this is rubbish, please.

Corsair 230T Compact Gaming Case
Processor (CPU)
Intel i5-4440 Quad-Core (3.1GHz) 6MB Cache
Memory (RAM)
8GB Kingston HyperX Beast Dual-DDR3 2400MHz
Graphics Card (GPU)
2GB Nvidia GeForce GTX 660
Hard Drive (HDD)
120GB Kingston HyperX 3K SSD
Disk Drive
15x Blu-Ray Writer Drive
Power Supply (PSU)
Corsair 650W RM Series Modular
Processor Cooling
Corsair H80i Hydro
Fan Controller
AeroCool Touch 2000 LCD Touch Screen
Sound Card
Asus Xonar DGX 5.1-Channel
Wireless Networking
Wireless 802.11N 00Mbps PCI Card
Operating System
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
ASUS VN247H 23"

Total cost: £1,245 inc. VAT
Good price and a good computer, but i recommend that you buy an upgradable pc. The processor isnt the best. Good choice though:)
I am not a super l33t computer guy. But planning to get a PC now, for next year may be not the best idea. Technology in this genre is changing fucking fast.
Nice build but i would recommend buying a better GPU/CPU rather then wasting money on a CPU liquid cooler, they are not really needed unless your heavy overclocking and even then its just a waste when you could get a better stock CPU for an extra $40/£30. A fan controller is good thing to have but i would recommend once again upgrading the CPU and not wasting money on it, upgrade it in the future if you really need it or you could put that extra money into a different case, building a computer in a small case can be a pain =/
Alex_:D said:
Nice build but i would recommend buying a better GPU/CPU rather then wasting money on a CPU liquid cooler, they are not really needed unless your heavy overclocking and even then its just a waste when you could get a better stock CPU for an extra $40/£30. A fan controller is good thing to have but i would recommend once again upgrading the CPU and not wasting money on it, upgrade it in the future if you really need it or you could put that extra money into a different case, building a computer in a small case can be a pain =/
I definitely agree with you, with this computer, I would say upgrade the CPU; even if it seems like a waste of money, later on down the road your computer won't have struggles trying to run newer games. I'm more curious to how much ventilation that computer will get, and how many fans you'll have for it.
Also get windows 8, windows 8 is best. :P (I'm kidding of course.)
As a PC builder, I would recommend you getting a better CPU p, an i5 3570k is good because you can overclock it, the gpu is good enough tho, also, I would say get a larger psu, maybe a seasonic 750w one, I have it and have never had any power problems.
Alex_:D said:
Nice build but i would recommend buying a better GPU/CPU rather then wasting money on a CPU liquid cooler, they are not really needed unless your heavy overclocking and even then its just a waste when you could get a better stock CPU for an extra $40/£30. A fan controller is good thing to have but i would recommend once again upgrading the CPU and not wasting money on it, upgrade it in the future if you really need it or you could put that extra money into a different case, building a computer in a small case can be a pain =/
Windows 8 does suck, but if you have the money, apparently windows 8.1 Is amazing. (Haven't tried it tho)
You need a hard drive for mass storage, you can get a 6gb/s 1tb version of them for around £50-70 and they allow you to store all your games, movies, pictures and other goodies
(You probabably don't need 1tb but my 1tb drive is getting filled up with games and i only have half of them installed)
1. my pc cost £380 works everything on ultra never failed.

2. use the money on the donation stuff oyu needed.
[PH]Chicken said:
1. my pc cost £380 works everything on ultra never failed.

2. use the money on the donation stuff oyu needed.
[PH said:
Chicken;n18551] 2. use the money on the donation stuff oyu needed.

This comment here is just stupid. Joseph clearly stated that he will use the money for bills and so on.. not anything that he could be without
As a person who buy parts for pc and upgrades it; Buy all the parts you can for building a pc, this will be much easier as you can upgrade it instead of buying a whole new one. My reccomandation:

Buy a decent 3.0 -ish ghz processor ( ghz isnt very important )
Find a graphics good decent graphics card. I like the geforce gtx 700-series best if you are looking for gaming.
If you want newer games like: Cod ghosts, ac4 and bf4, buy a 1600mhz gb 8.

I personally like/enjoy the upgradable pc's best as you can upgrade your pc instead of using more money for better specs.
The PC is a good PC. But... Why are you buying a PC when according to your other post your in need of money?
Johnny183 said:
The PC is a good PC. But... Why are you buying a PC when according to your other post your in need of money?
The fundraiser was for my family directly; as being in care of the local authority I get an allowance. The fundraiser wasn't for me.
[PH]Chicken said:
1. my pc cost £380 works everything on ultra never failed.

2. use the money on the donation stuff oyu needed.
Uh, excuse me - the fundraiser is for my family. I get an allowance from Social Services which equals to £10 a week which I'm not allowed to spend on my family so I've made plans to save up for a new PC.
Robert_Kingston said:
As a person who buy parts for pc and upgrades it; Buy all the parts you can for building a pc, this will be much easier as you can upgrade it instead of buying a whole new one. My reccomandation:

Buy a decent 3.0 -ish ghz processor ( ghz isnt very important )
Find a graphics good decent graphics card. I like the geforce gtx 700-series best if you are looking for gaming.
If you want newer games like: Cod ghosts, ac4 and bf4, buy a 1600mhz gb 8.

I personally like/enjoy the upgradable pc's best as you can upgrade your pc instead of using more money for better specs.
This is a custom build, not pre-built. With the service provided I can request part exchange/upgrades at any time.
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