Confiscating Items Bar

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Topic: Confiscating Items Bar

Short explanation (in notes):
- It take around the same time to pick a weapon up to confiscate a weapon/drugs.
- It stops Minge grabbing A small bit more.
- More Realistic then it just disappearing.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
This Bar Timer Will Stop minge grabs much more in Fire fights due to you will be extremely exposed to all armed people within the fire fight. Not only that but it is more realistic and it will make it more fair for Civilians in Fire fights.

Optional additions:
- Auto /me's Like Trucks and Storage.

@Jeffer Cake
I dont think its liked to get a confirmation menu everytime you want to confiscate something.

Getting a "loading bar" like bandaging or equipping would from my opinion, not stop mingegrabbing. It would just take a few seconds.

It also happends you accidently pick up a gun,happened already a few times for me,
You could die. Getting shot at and wait for 5 seconds for an accidental pick up and you'll die.

This idea could be good but i think with us adventualy getting a whitelist, other things have a bigger priority.

(On my phone)
Btw what Is Wrong with The random Capitals
Currently, only supervisors can confiscate. There should be no 'minge-confiscating'. If their is then you should make a supervisor complaint.
It does sort of make it realistic, but not so much.
I agree with this:
Optional additions:
- Auto /me's Like Trucks and Storage.
This is something that would be good for example a person has: A SR-25 and Machete
/me confiscates the SR-25.
/me confiscates the Machete.

**Matt confiscates the SR-25.
**Matt confiscates the Machete.

And so on.
I however disagree with the timed confiscation. This will just simply annoy people.
Currently, only supervisors can confiscate. There should be no 'minge-confiscating'. If their is then you should make a supervisor complaint.
It does sort of make it realistic, but not so much.
I agree with this:

This is something that would be good for example a person has: A SR-25 and Machete
/me confiscates the SR-25.
/me confiscates the Machete.

**Matt confiscates the SR-25.
**Matt confiscates the Machete.

And so on.
I however disagree with the timed confiscation. This will just simply annoy people.
(Phone )

We can then do a/me for litteraly every action.

Me opens car door.
Me reloads his weapon

For good rp supervisors already have their own /me bags the weapon etc etc.
People who 'minge grab' already get dealt with by staff members; there is no benefit to limiting the process for all circumstances, especially when it affects the times in which it is appropriate to confiscate evidence. Even with this kind of feature, there's still going to be that guy that goes and does it anyway (not necessarily whilst being shot at/being in danger either) - it's best to leave it down to the staff members.

I see absolutely no reason at all to add this, supervisors are trusted with this tool for a reason, if someone "mingegrabs" your items then call a staff member, we love to help people and thats what We're here for.

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