Confiscation Confirmation

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Main Idea: You must confirm that you want to confiscate illegal stuff when you press E on them.

Full description of the idea: When you press E on an item that can be confiscated (while being a cop) a small window pops up, saying the name of the item that you are about to confiscate including a "Are you sure that you want this item to be confiscated?" along with a "yes" and a "no" at the bottom of the window.
This will only work for items that are dropped, this will not change the search function at all (fists + R).

Why should it be added?: Currently, to confiscate a gun/ammo/mags etc. you just press E on them.
The problem is that with this system, it is really easy to confiscate a weapon by mistake either by pressing the wrong button or by pressing E while looking away.
It has happened to me at least 2 times. Once I was at the interrogation room. The suspect dropped his weapon at the table and sat down. I was at the corner facing the chair. I press E to sit down but for some reason I confiscated the weapon (I wasn't even looking at it). The other time was when a suspect dropped his weapon again and I pressed E + left click to put my weapon on passive stance. I confiscated the weapon as "E" was pressed (again, I was looking in front of me, not at the weapon that was on the floor).

Pros: Less mistakes.
Can possibly make minge grabbing harder thus making it occur less.
Confiscating stuff will be slower and more realistic instead of spamming E and confiscating 10 weapons within 2 seconds.

Cons: Confiscating drugs that someone dropped will be annoying.

*Other additions: To counter the con I would suggest that the window will not pop up when confiscating drugs.
Drug pots can be confiscated by anyone (not only supervisors).
Weapons, ammo and mags can only be confiscated by SO+ (if there is at least one on duty)
What I'd rather have added to prevent this AND mingegrabbing would be that when you pick an illegal item up it'll show in your inventory. You could carry up to 2 pistols, 1 primary and a hell lotta drugs. You have the choice of either conf (left ck) or drop (right ck) them, and it would be allowed to pick up weapons however not conf them in a shootout, still in a realistic matter. If an officer gets killed, the items will be dropped, and there would be a time after which they will automatically be confiscated.
Heres an idea...

Along with this, when Items are piled up (Like at the end of a shootout) when an officer goes to confiscate, he can check what weapons he would like to confiscate (Like fists + R) and he can also check the amount of ammo along with the gun to see if it was used illegally.
What I'd rather have added to prevent this AND mingegrabbing would be that when you pick an illegal item up it'll show in your inventory. You could carry up to 2 pistols, 1 primary and a hell lotta drugs. You have the choice of either conf (left ck) or drop (right ck) them, and it would be allowed to pick up weapons however not conf them in a shootout, still in a realistic matter. If an officer gets killed, the items will be dropped, and there would be a time after which they will automatically be confiscated.
I was thinking the same exact thing. Maybe to add to this you also have to bring it back to a designated part of the station say... Maybe the LT. Office and confirm confiscation there with the computer or something. We need to be able to bring it back to the station or the trunk of the police vehicle to confiscate it.
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