Constant transmission bug

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Type of bug: lua

Description of the bug: If you die whilst speaking, there is a chance when respawning that you will constantly talk, It has happened to me twice this week.

How to reproduce the bug:
  1. Die
  2. Respawn yourself, not revive.
  3. Congratulations, your mic should be on
Time stamp(s):
Time of posting this: 18:38 today
Yesterday from 6pmish

*Errors: n/a

*Media: n/a
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I see this happening to myself on the occasion but for me pressing the push to talk fixes it does that work for you aswell?
Found out this occurs when someone talks on the radio at times, but it's just random.
I think i remember talking to Benji about this same problem, he might have a solution
When holding down your police radio and opening f3 your radios stays on too and people can still hear u etc too
Hello, I think I have a video of this happening. It doesn't have anyone's microphone constantly transmitting but does have the radio 'buzzing' noise. 'stopsound' and 'snd_restart' do not fix it and I have to relog. Listen carefully! Seems to be triggered by a new demo starting or old demo stopping

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