Cooking, why not?

the 1 time i "cooked" was when i was like 9 or so and we had some shit that u needed to heat up in the microwave like this

me being 9 not knowing wtf to do just placed it inside put on some random timer while watching some nickelodeon then a few mins later i smell something burnt nearly set the house on fire by nearly blowing up my microwave :kappa:
When I was 4 I put a poptart in a microwave for about 10 minutes and it was just a big mess of black goo.
Last month I tried to make Super Noodles but I forgot the water

I only released when the pan started to singe.

It was literally just a pan full of fucking burning, hard noodles.

good old eggs and sucuk

the 1 hour sandwich with tons of stuff inside, so worth it

Baklava (taken from my old HTC Desire, sorry for the gross looking flash and quality)

Spaghettio, menemen and rice is also my thing but tbh, that's simple anyways . I'm the only one in my family that likes dry rice, my mother puts a bit too much water in it with no spices :trande:
In preparation for university I have managed to master a culinary skill that will prove invaluable in my achievement of recommended nutrients and carbohydrates
Special k cereal with extra fruit yo, grilled cheese sandwich and a rustler burger

Thats as far as i can go. Im a really good cook
My weekly meals ...

1. Pasta and tuna ( nothing else )
2.Rice and Chicken ( maybe some cucumber )
3. Who doesnt love a good fry up ... bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, beans, toas/fried bread.
4. Wheatabix ... not dry with milk.
5.Revert back to number 1.

Dont take photos because the point of food is to be eaten ... enough said ... incompetent imbeciles :)

Give me 5 minutes im going to make some wheatabix for you all to see.

Edit. RIP no milk :(
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