Server Suggestion Coroner job

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Suggestion Title: Coroner job
Suggestion Description: I have to say EMS does not take care of bodies IRL as depicted in the server, we have to wait for the Coroner in a white or black van and Police to retreive the body.

Since in my opinon, it's unrealistic that EMS personnel have to take care of bodies and also a waste of time when they could be responding faster to Life Alerts.

So I suggest adding a coroner job would be a great idea, so that the coroner can take care of the bodies and process DNA samples for the police (another thing we don't do IRL). Since there are shootings 24h and massive amounts of bodies have to be retreived, he would be very busy at the job and EMS could respond faster to Life Alerts instead of wasting time retreving bodies which I repeat, is not realistic as we do not do that IRL.

It would be as simple as cloning the paramedic job with a different model and a black or white van, removing the first aid and the defibrillator. And making the coroner's van the entity the bodies need to be close to in order for them to be retrieved.

Why should this be added?:
1. It is unrealistic that paramedics waste their time retreiving bodies since this is not the case IRL. 2. EMS would respond faster to life alerts 3. The coroner would have a lot of work since there are shootings every minute.

What negatives could this have?:
None that I can think of.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: The fact paramedics do not retrieve bodies IRL.

Useful Images: van
There's no point of a coroner, Since EMS can already take DNA and get rid of the body. The Ability EMS has by removing the body and even if this get's added the EMS job will just be useless since they only can revive.
Having a job solely to remove bodies to patch a technicality in realistic duties of a depicted job is kinda silly.

You could say the same of TFU doing EOD work. Departments would have an EOD team that whilst they would work alongside SWAT Teams in many occasions aren't actually SWAT. Having a whole PLPD Division dedicated to bomb disposal however wouldn't make much sense, so this is Done by TFU.

Medics would be taking freshly downed individuals inside their ambulance for hospital treatment anyways which would bring some sort of realism to this thought process you're basing this assumption off of.

It would make more sense this responsibility being the duty of a Paramedic from a gameplay perspective rather than implement its own mundane job for body removal.
@Bnje Then you're not thinking in terms of realism. It would be like giving cops the roadcrew job and the secret service status.
@Nova In what possible universe does the EMS become a scientist that analyzes DNA with no proper equipment or a lab other than a Garry's Mod toolgun?

I also suggest the coroner job would be well paid to encourage players to do it.
@Bnje Then you're not thinking in terms of realism. It would be like giving cops the roadcrew job and the secret service status.
You're right, I'm thinking in terms of gameplay, which the server should maintain.
@Nova In what possible universe does the EMS become a scientist that analyzes DNA with no proper equipment or a lab other than a Garry's Mod toolgun?

I also suggest the coroner job would be well paid to encourage players to do it.
In Garrys mod the Paramedic is the scientist who analyses DNA.

Making the job well paid would be money for next to nothing, something we also do not want!

The reason we will not be adding undertakers is purely for game balancing and not anything to do with real life. We need to keep enough tasks for EMS to keep enough players in the job otherwise there will be bodies all over the map.

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