Replace the DNA Scanner with a coroner job

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Description of the idea:

The DNA scanner has been a controversial subject for years. Not only is it overpowered and unrealistic but it is nessesary to benefit roleplay. Without it, a large part of police roleplay will be missed. Adding a coroner job would not only provide a new roleplay job to perp which is long overdue anyways, but it will get rid of the issues the DNA scanner has.

The coroner should have an office somewhere. I know collier's editing the map somehow now, so there's a possibility of creating a dedicated building for it. On the other hand, the hospital has dedicated rooms that are free and unused, which this could be perfect for. The hospital is a well designed but empty building anyways. This will add an option to become a coroner to the medic NPC. As a result, the large ambulance will no longer be used for body removal. Maybe this could be improved in the future by the Fire & rescue update, and making medic more enteraining and giving the full ambulance a special perk over the prius, but that's for a different suggestion.

The coroner has a different task to do while waiting around for dead body calls which i will describe later, but he should remain at the hospital until needed, just like a medic with a full size does now. Maybe he could still be given a medkit, as these people generally have a medical background. Would be useful if he's called up to shootouts just like medics in advance and can provide first aid during shootouts. He's got access to the 911 system as the normal medics do, so he will be notified of a dead body.

When the coroner picks up a dead body, it could be done like it does now, and pulled out with the SWEP out of his vehicle at the hostpital, but thats kinda gay. Instead, he could be given an ambulance with a black skin which has openable doors. A body can be pulled on a stretcher and taken to the hospital for storage of this body. This might be shit for large shootouts, as there are usually alot of bodies involved. in that case maybe a transit can be used to take samples on the spot of bodies and get rid of them the easy way like it does now.

the stretcher idea is perfect for like 1-2 bodies maybe but not for constant shootouts with large bodypiles, maybe someone else has an idea for this.

Anyways, when a dead body is taken to the hospital this is the stage where DNA can be taken. Probably a cotton swap SWEP could be used here, which makes you click on a special computer to take dna and show it on a 3D2D screen. Or whatever, the devs would probably decide how that should go. After DNA is taken, the body must be incinerated. This entire process of getting to the hospital, removing the stretcher from the coroners vehicle, taking DNA samples and putting it in some DNA machine gives criminals plenty of time to get rid of DNA evidence if they want, but that's a high risk high reward situation as the hospital is right next to the PD!
For each body burned, there should be a money reward, incentivizing and rewarding coroners to collect as many bodies as possible, besides the regular salary.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Gets rid of unrealistic/OP DNA scanner
- Criminals will no longer shoot up bazaar because a sergeant whips out his scanner and finds evidence
- It makes planning criminal raids more intersting and forces people to RP wanted people rather than just DNA scanning a body outside the regals staircases and instantly finding out the man standing next to you did it
- makes the hospital an active RP area
- new job

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- It might be too time consuming or difficult if there are a large amount of bodies; on the other hand, this allows the coroner to do actual work and RP when there arent alot of calls meaning the job is constantly keeping you busy, basically like the courier who drives back and forth all the time!
SGTs will be mad their DNA scan tool is gone
- people shooting up the coroner as he can get them into trouble

*Other additions:

theres plenty of vehicles including tdmcars that fit this purpose, and some should have openable doors. just slap a black color on it and you're done.

Despite his involvement with medics and the hospital, he should fall under the police and have the ability so set warrants!
this way warrants can actually be set without a sgt being available for it which happens more than enough.
dont make it a job you have to apply for on that defeats the whole point of a coroner being available as much as possible!
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The problem with this, is it will be a boring job. So DNA will be much less prevalent, and many more people will be able to get away with murder.
Currently, the crime rate in perp is high, but if you arent with others, and the server is full, you wont just kill someone out of fear of the police getting DNA. Ofcourse now with big orgs, this isnt a risk for many, but it will remove the risk for everyone if there are no coroners on.

All this will do is make the server more aids than it already is, as cool of an idea as it is.
what about police supervisors, they have a DNA scanner so they will just take this away? I can see alot of cop mains hating this but i love it, no more having to molly a pile of bodies
The fact you have to molly or hide bodies is the one reason people dont get shot 24/7, if theres a big police force on, the second someone gets shot, cops come, DNA is found and warrants are placed. With a coroner, there would hardly be one on, so warrants would never be placed and the crime rate would increase massively.
if you read the suggestion then yes i suggested they would be taken away
I get your point, but to incentivize people going on duty as one, the coroner should be a decently paying job. More than just medic which is just a left click simulator.
For the coroner job, No.

Most of a medics income will come from removing bodies. Having a job specifically for removing bodies would be boring and very much counter productive. It would also be another dead job and would give miles less incentive to play medic.

Removing the DNA tool from medics on the other hand? Yes, I can get behind this. There’s no reason a paramedic should be put into what is potentially the line of fire to get DNA on a dead body. A paramedics job is to save lives, not act as a CSI officer.
it not just a special job where the only thing you do is left click the body removal tool. i made 4 points on how it keeps you busy the entire time, just like the courier job does it. And if the medic is stripped of his tool then DNA can never be retrieved unless there's a SGT available.
Overall this seems to be a very good addition and beneficial to Perp, it brings a new job and makes it more realistic as you mentioned. I would also like to add that I think would be very cool if guns can be taken in bags and later on taken to ballistics for finger prints and matching bullets in bodies. This would be extremely cool to be able to figure out by finger prints (make it like 10-15 mins to find fingerprints information) and matching bullet ballistics from weapons gathered and bullets found in body and even bullet casings. Would be cool if you can observe the wounds of dead person and find what type of weapon was used, bullet caliber and ballistics, how long he died ago (approx) and even finger prints. This would be a cool job and I think it would bring life to PD/Medic. Imagine, Paralake Police Department Forensics lab / Paralake Forensic UNIT. Who take evidence from scenes and track realistically who killer, makes it more challenging and fun, also realism.
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