Corporal Juan fielding and Alliat

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Netherlands, Tilburg
So today me and alliat were hosting the trapani pasta shop, when juan fielding came by. He had keys so he checked the back where he saw 1 small pot with weed (we were trolling around)

So alliat and me kept him hostage and moved him to the hicktown where we tied him into a chair. We then stabbed him with a knife. We made a picture and sended it to the cops. As he was slowly bleeding out we left him there to create a cool situation for the police force.

It ended up me and alliat going to jail unfortunatly. But we had a great roleplay experience.

Thank you guys for your excellent roleplay skills

@Pvt. Jeff

If everyone made reccomendations like that I will have ateast 20.

Anyways, I agree with you Josef they are really good roleplayers .
Gotta agree, Alliat and Juan are great roleplayers and really keep the proper situations feeling like real.
*cough* Alliat called the police on my fake taxi:-(
Gotta agree, Alliat and Juan are great roleplayers and really keep the proper situations feeling like real.
*cough* Alliat called the police on my fake taxi:-(
And would do it again if I had 2. You broke me 4 times! ;p

Trapani Pasta.png