Police Suggestion Corporal Rework

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Great Britain
Suggestion Title: Corporal Rework

Suggestion Description:
Corporal is meant to be the penultimate rank that an officer can achieve before they step into the role of a supervisor. They are meant to be the workhorses of the PLPD, and amongst their most experienced and trusted. Instead, they are a stepping stone to Sergeant, and are often outshone by Senior Officers who far surpass them in ability and experience, yet due to inconsistent activity or other commitments, they're unable to fulfil the role as it is currently. This is because of the requirement for them to submit two or more observation reports every month.

I have three changes I think should be made. I believe all three would need to be implemented to make this work.

  • 1. Get rid of observation report requirements for Corporal

Make it so Corporal does not have monthly OR requirements, but can still submit them if they so wish.

OR requirements mean that being Corporal fucking sucks. There's more to it than this, but I wholeheartedly believe that this is the reason why there are more Sergeants than Corporals, and there have been for a very long time. There is almost no reason whatsoever to be a Corporal over being a Sergeant. Presently, it is a stepping stone to Sergeant, and nothing more.

Any Corporal whose activity takes a dip for a few months and doesn't write ORs is given activity warnings after two non-consecutive months without writing two ORs. I know there's the whole 'let's talk' copy-paste message you get after the first one, but I don't think I've ever received a reply to those after replying, no matter who sends it, so as far as I can tell, they're essentially worthless. Another thing is that this hard requirement encourages lazy observation reports. in which the person writing them just writes the bare minimum and offers no meaningful feedback to the person they're meant to be observing. This is not desirable for anyone.

Senior Officer should not be the highest rank available for those who aren't able or willing to log on every month, due to work, school, or other, more important things than being a virtual policeman in a Garry's mod roleplay server. Remove the requirements, and you'll make Corporal a more comfortable rank for ex-command members who might not be as active anymore, but may still want to pop on and enjoy playing the game once in a while, without being relegated to SO, who can't even search up someone's phone number on their own.

Removing requirements for Corporal to write ORs will, I believe, also actually result in more ORs being written, as there will be a lot more Corporals to write them. It will also result in less Sergeants who just sit on the rank, do the bare minimum, and have no desire to actually be supervisors, but are only doing it for the extra pay, and so that if they resign due to extended inactivity, they get six months to apply for reinstatement to Sergeant. Meanwhile, if a Corporal resigns, they only get four months to apply for reinstatement back to Corporal.

This is so more people want to be Corporals, and you get to keep experienced officers, ex-supervisors, ex-command, etc. in a position where they can still be effective when they choose to come on and play. This would also give new Corporals time to get used to the role, and get used to writing quality ORs, and only once they're comfortable with doing so, would they apply for Sergeant, where the requirement would be in place.

  • 2. Limit shotguns for Corporals.

Limit shotguns for Corporals to 3, maybe have it so mayors can adjust this up or down a little bit, say between 2 and 5. Sergeant and above get a shotgun no matter what, and do not contribute to the shotgun limit.

This is so that with the removed OR requirements, which will certainly result in more Corporals, you don't suddenly have every cop wielding shotguns, which otherwise would be sure to upset the delicate balance of power that makes the game fun.

  • 3. Pay bonuses for writing quality observation reports.

Have it so patrol/traffic trainers ranked Corporal or above must review new ORs, and can forward exceptional or objectional ORs to their respective command. From there, command can take action if the OR is in clear violation of the OR guidelines, or, if the OR is of exceptional quality, then they can approve a bonus payment. I suggest $25K for every OR deemed of exceptional quality, though this is certainly open to discussion, and there would have to be limits on how many bonus payments can be paid out in a certain timeframe.

This is so that with the removed OR requirements for Corporal, there is a monetary incentive for Corporals and Sergeants to write observation reports that are actually useful for the officer being observed, as opposed to just a few sentences saying they did good, and giving them full marks, so they can tick the box for the month.

Why should this be added?:
  1. More Corporals than Sergeants, as it should be, as it's a lower rank that's meant to be easier to achieve and maintain.
  2. Experienced officers, ex-command members, and others who- whilst competent and capable, have busy lives that take precedent, aren't penalized for not being able to log on every month.
  3. Less shotgun cops everywhere, due to shotgun limit.
  4. Less tick-box ORs, and more ORs that offer genuine feedback.

What negatives could this have?:
I do not believe any negatives that can arise from the 1st suggestion have not been addressed or mitigated by the 2nd and 3rd suggestions.

What problem would this suggestion solve?:
  1. Corporals being rarer than Sergeant, and experienced officers being left at SO because they can't log on each month to maintain the rank.
  2. Armies of shotgun cops when a lot of Corporals are on-duty.
  3. Shit ORs
I still don't think its a good idea to have them be optional, just today I was online with 8 other officers, all of which could do ORs and after about 2 hours of asking I gave up.

These people cannot even give out ORs now and you want to remove the requirement? This is going to be awful for players coming into the server that are not well known, the only time I can actually get ORs is from people I know.

I have to agree with what else has been said in this thread, if you cannot come up with the time to do even two ORs, you shouldn't be corporal.
Removing the requirement will result in there being a lot more Corporals, who are incentivized via the bonus system to write good ORs. If you want more officers to do ORs, then doubling the number of officers who can issue them is probably going to help more than requiring the few officers who can issue them to issue two a month. Especially when there's a positive incentive for them to write good ones. I don't see at all how maintaining the requirement, and as such, having Corporal as a rank that is in all ways less desirable than Sergeant, is going to help at all with getting more cops into the role.
While I feel like this is 100% going to be a double edged sword with officers asking for OR's, I have to agree with inch's hear, I'm a srg and I can honestly say the amount of people that ask for OR's that in all honesty where I just want to play once getting my 2 OR's done for the month is shocking, I'm also one of these where I could do more OR's I just don't want to, So how to make this better in my own opinion

First of all I do feel like the OR requirement is a valid thing for newer officers in particular that need OR's, The officers are mainly newer ones that need a bit of help getting where they need to be, Feedback is important for example as a patrol trainer I marked a taser app a little while back while marking it my feedback was in my opinion less then helpful, Which I then messaged the individual and gave them more personalised feedback, (Turns out 6 people counting to 7 in a order is really hard for some... hence the reason for my shitty feedback I gave, as my fireteam could not count...), I feel like this could be something to help lower ranking officers achieve higher ranks within the PD, I feel like make the OR requirements to 1 OR a month.

The reason I say one OR instead of 2 is because that could be reserved for a lower officer that needs an OR to progress, Someone for an example like a PO, or a normal officer, the other OR's you do in that month If good enough can then be paid, What could constitute a good OR, is IMO actual feedback, not just arse licking the person your giving the OR too because you want to get it over and done with, So lets say these OR's if shown to be of high quality, command can give them lets say 10k for going above and beyond with OR's, the criteria could be something like Actual feedback, or examples of what happened on that patrol or give examples of how officers can improve.
The other thing is how would this be marked, This would be marked by all trainers, srg+ so patrol, traffic, ect, as patrol trainer only marks tasers we could help in marking good valid OR's, for example how you could do this is make a little button when submitting an OR as a corporal saying I want this OR viewed by trainers for example down at the bottom left when submitting an OR hence the very crude example on the right being with the text of "share with trainers to view and mark this OR" something along them lines, I feel like with a incentive there more will happen in terms of OR's and getting more officers up to speed and progressing quickly
(something like this very crude drawing)

That's just my own opinion anyway, I could be making a fool out of myself but this is what I think anyway, there would be drawbacks to this which I think need to be considered both my my personal implementation and the original implementation that Allen did, for starters, with my personal implementation of this, this could be easily farmable, making it so getting easy money while on duty and maybe not giving feedback as needed to the person, just giving them a easy 10k for lack of effort which is what should be avoided when getting trainers involved, there is a possibility that if you mark your friends OR you can just give it a passing grade no matter what they put, different things like that would need to be considered. However again My Idea could be rubbish its just something I came up with so I could be a shitter and not know anything