Police Suggestion People Services Announcements

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Brief description of idea: Currently it feels like theres never anything officially announced inside the PD and we're left in the dark to find out about changes made to the PLPD via word of mouth. One of the things I think that would fix this is bringing back the Monthly Roundups, especially the key moments section. One of the things I found out recently is the mininum amount of ORs Corporals and Sergeants need to do monthly seem to be varrying per month but theres no communication of this to Corporals or Sergeants (at least I haven't seen this). There is a few other examples I could bring up but this feels most relevant. @McGlinchy As the head of people services is there any reason that changes don't seem to be announced as much?

What benefits would this idea have for the department: More transparency and officers aware of whats going on within the PLPD

What potential negatives could this have for the department: More work, could always open People Services applications to combat this extra work though.

Other additions: There also seems to be a weird mix of where announcements are actually made, you have the announcements page on plpd but the announcement section on the forums, it seems to be 50/50 where the announcement ends up
Concerning the Monthly Roundup, we pushed for months to try and make this scheme work but throughout time the lack of participation from command teams and Senior Management dropped severely. I was chasing the Chiefs for weeks just to get a short statement on the PD for that month, there were plans to rework this system but they haven't been implemented yet. I would be interested in reintroducing the monthly roundup or something similar if it's going to actually be useful and not just another shitpost that no one reads, if command teams and officers are willing to submit some of their news or such then we could make it work.

Changes within the Police Command should be announced to those relevant to said change. I know for certain that in General Operations we aim to announce these sort of things so I would have to look into anything that wasn't properly announced, but I can't speak for other divisions. You refer to the Observation Report changes as one of these things, this is still in discussion and should hopefully be concluded tonight at our Gen Ops meeting.

Other additions: There also seems to be a weird mix of where announcements are actually made, you have the announcements page on plpd but the announcement section on the forums, it seems to be 50/50 where the announcement ends up
I believe the Chiefs of Department would be best to set an answer on this one @Collier @Momo
No worries, thanks for the reply. I wasn't aware those observation reports weren't definite my bad. Are stats still being made public? I know IA use to release their stats but I don't think they've been released for quite some time, perhaps they could be added into something like the monthly roundup if that still goes on
@BigBenji I personally like seeing the statistical side of things, let's you see trends as well. High offending months etc
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