Corrupt police strike again

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so i called the police cause someone was dragging bodies to are house. i then here a person walking outside so walk down my stairs with ak in my hand and see its police so walk back up stairs next thing i know the police are raiding me the one who callled the police saying i point i gun when i didnt this is the evidence they gave lol laughterable didnt even arest me (them knowing i did nothing wrong just being cunts ) just took my gun and drugs and was back up by admins so u cant even argue lol . they then say ai report it but do0ne one against matt a week ago nothing back u cant win against admins even if u are in the right i wouldnt be as annoyed but this has happened 2 times with total lose of 170k ish had enough and do what u have to do to me for posting rhis but just expressing the way i feel very annoying when u feel people are just against u cause u are the derick gee

i am not expecting my stuff back or any one to be warned for this as i know no know will be i just wanna say i am annoyed when ur grinding and some cunt fucks u over for there enjoyment of a raid very annoying i have learnt my lesson dont grow in big apartments grow in public less fun for police so they dont bother u

take and do what u want from this dont care just saying how i fell

I have no idea what you're trying to say. The situation you're explaining makes no sense to me. If you want you can send me a PM with some more details or perhaps a video and maybe there's a way I can help you
I was clicking this thread reading the title expecting this to be some juicy paragraph long rant by a failed CoD applicant but it’s just someone complaining on the forums over a mundane in game situation that should totally be resolved by IA.

All this effort could've been put into making this an action request or an internal affairs complaint. . .

Use medal software to record in-game clips (or anything else you're comfortable with) then make an action request and/or internal affairs complaint with that evidence.