Council Bashing; what don't you like?


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Good evening lads, on the 07/06/2017 the Police Department formally handed over the responsibility of creating, upkeeping and changing of laws to the Paralake City Council. Before the City Council was created, the responsibility of law making was done by the Chiefs of the Department and in many cases just myself, I would sift through the law reform section or just think what I would like and add it straight away without discussion, to me that sounds a bit like a Police State?

The City Council allowed anyone who was eligible to run, 7 candidates were voted in by the City and they were formally enacted as Councillors. They did a fantastic job in creating the Paralake City Charter and now meet regularly to discuss various law changes and city topics.

Recently the PCC have received some bad press from and here on the Forums; I'm not trying to defend but I would like to find out what exactly people find wrong with the City Council, at the moment people have failed to understand that this is the first set of Councillors and they have done a fantastic job with creating nothing to something.

Please leave below your questions, comment and concerns with the City Council, of course I can't change these problems but hopefully the Council will be able to directly answer your comments.
I feel that the council aren't communicating at all with the citizens and therefore in theory not listening to us.
It should be more than seven in the council and the communication should be upped. Anybody who doesn't have a good reason to not be attending the weekly meetings should shift themselves and let somebody who is more bothered and interested to take their place.
I feel that the council aren't communicating at all with the citizens and therefore in theory not listening to us.

Brilliant, thanks for the response Tom - What do you think the Council can do/propose/create to improve this communication problem?
I think that to ratify any legislation there should be 7/7 council members present.

That way every decision made is representative of everyone on the council and by extension the people who voted for them.
Brilliant, thanks for the response Tom - What do you think the Council can do/propose/create to improve this communication problem?
Start talking to us more.
I've participated three times in these meetings and what I've seen it's that it isn't always best organised, often when questioned the City Councillor doesn't have an answer or any idea of a relatively good answer to the question instead it's rather confusing what the answer of the question is.

I'd also like to state that there's often a lot of people who are not saying a word in the meetings instead just disagree or agree, which I don't know can be good but I'd like to see more discussions in between the members of the council when they take decisions towards a law.

I'm not slating any members of the council I just believe that they should be more dedicated to every change in the laws. I know that the City Council might not be what you expected and if you dislike it or just don't want to be in it anymore; Why not resign and ask for someone else to take over?
Start talking to us more.


Thanks Captain Obvious - just trying to find out what you mean; do you want Councillors allowing everyone to speak in the meetings? Or do they want to report what's been said like they are in a recorded format? The whole point of this thread is to gather qualitative information to suggest improvements for the Council, I understand this may be hard for you Tom.

Thanks Captain Obvious - just trying to find out what you mean; do you want Councillors allowing everyone to speak in the meetings? Or do they want to report what's been said like they are in a recorded format? The whole point of this thread is to gather qualitative information to suggest improvements for the Council, I understand this may be hard for you Tom.
They don't really reach out to the citizens to hear what they'd like to have within Paralake, also they kick out members of the press sometimes which is quite rude.
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Personally I don't find 7 councillors at max, even with a lot less usually showing up in meetings, not enough to make a successful, unbiased decision for law reform. Depending on what they usually do on the server as a criminal, officer or passive roleplayer some if not most people will be biased towards what will suit them as players. I'd like to implement more democracy and rather than having 7 people have the chance to vote on law reform give more players the right to vote.
Motions relating to legislation, removal of the a council member from any position, or the dissolution of the council require all council members, both present and absent to vote.

Was this recently added or has this alwasy been here?
i personally think we should vote for a president of paralake that will finally turn us to communism which will fix all our problems.
If players don't like it then they should host peaceful protests at city hall and post it on the thread that the protest has occurred and come to a conclusion with citizens. This would clearly prevent players moaning about being bored of PERP as they'll have something to do! Also it's roleplay and not sulking over a forum due to changes.
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