Server Suggestion CPR on regular people

Reaction score
Suggestion Title: CPR on regular people
Suggestion Description: Why cant regular people do cpr , everyone is taught how to irl

Why should this be added?:
- could save many lives

What negatives could this have?:
- i dont think theres a downside to this
I think that this should be implemented with a twist to provide more feasibility to leveling medical/first aid skills. Everyone with a certain level of first aid should be able to do CPR on unconscious bodies. Obviously, not everyone knows how to do CPR properly in real life and I feel like putting this skill behind a genetic level or skill level would be great.
So its accepted?

no, I'm not a server developer nor am I an owner. This will be left open for some time to collect thoughts and then will eventually be decided on by the aforementioned individuals
Everyone is not fucking taught how to do it irl atleast in cheeseburgistania. FF,Cops,EMS, are the only ones irl taught it as a requirement (There's nurses and etc but we don't have those ingame). I think if we were to add it, the player has to be past a certain ff or ems rank to do it.
This seems like a good idea at glance, but under a closer lens it actually reduces the demand for EMS (paramedics and firefighters) in general, which is something that I think Paralake cannot afford. Not to mention, if everyone could perform CPR there would be less incentive to stay alive, more incentive to minge about with your friends and etc. Perhaps, if you have achieved the highest rank in your respective EMS field, you gain the ability to perform CPR as a civilian.
I understand but it wouldnt be as efficient as an ems , it would just give you maybe a chance depending on your level to actually save someone , but ofc , ems is still needed since it has a high chance of survival , imagine no firefighters or ems are online , you have a little chance to maybe save your friend , or your buddy to save you
even cpr can fail sometimes , so thats why it has a chance not as big as a ems to save a friend
I like aquaas take on it, everyone with a certain first aid level would have the option to perform CPR, however, it would have no chance of revival and will only prolong red-screen like it would with a firefighter ranked below advanced. Maybe even make it a bit worse, prolonging for 30-40 seconds instead of firefighters 1,5 minutes, still making it necessary for EMS to respond quickly to the incident.
and max level with a little chance you could revive your buddy maybe
I think for Cops it's useful considering we have very few Paramedics on-duty and we tend to respond first on the scene. I mean atleast give Cops ability to perform CPR, it's like basic 101 for evrey emergency service to know first aid.
This seems like a good idea at glance, but under a closer lens it actually reduces the demand for EMS (paramedics and firefighters) in general, which is something that I think Paralake cannot afford. Not to mention, if everyone could perform CPR there would be less incentive to stay alive, more incentive to minge about with your friends and etc. Perhaps, if you have achieved the highest rank in your respective EMS field, you gain the ability to perform CPR as a civilian.
I disagree. the opposite is true if Aqua's version was to be added. EMS can sometimes arrive on scene and find several bodies already far too gone or too low on pulse. If civilians can perform CPR to stabilize the individual or even revive them that would only give EMS more things to do and rewards for arriving on scene.
I disagree. the opposite is true if Aqua's version was to be added. EMS can sometimes arrive on scene and find several bodies already far too gone or too low on pulse. If civilians can perform CPR to stabilize the individual or even revive them that would only give EMS more things to do and rewards for arriving on scene.
I personally would rather not have to sit through a long red screen just to finally be revived or black screened after 10 plus minutes. The 5m death timer and 5m NLR timer are already enough, prolonging that would just create more issues and dilute the systems that are already in place. It's hard to argue that someone would want to sit through a presumably infinite red screen just because someone can perform CPR, meaning that they cannot leave their computer during this entire time. Maybe I'm alone in this opinion, but allowing a civilian to perform CPR on me, extending my red screen, would have a negative affect on my experience.
I’m not giving any verdict on this but I would like to clear up something I see being brought up, CPR does NOT increase your death time, it only increases your time to be revived. Those are seperate things
I agree with steelo, that sometimes having your red screen prolonged with little chances to be revived might be annoying, and for sure will increase amount of ppl afking after geting revived, therefore I personaly disagree that giving CPR to civilians would be a good change. However for me giving cops ability to perform CPR for shorter time than firefighters can, f.e only 30 seconds, would be very usefull as often there is quite a lot Police on duty with only one EMS. This lonely medic is unable to get everywhere on time, and we end up with multiple cops on secured scene just watching how their unconcious suspects/colleagues/innocents slowly die, while being unable to do anything about this.
I think that this should be implemented with a twist to provide more feasibility to leveling medical/first aid skills. Everyone with a certain level of first aid should be able to do CPR on unconscious bodies. Obviously, not everyone knows how to do CPR properly in real life and I feel like putting this skill behind a genetic level or skill level would be great.
What about having some sort of "cpr" course people can take by just paying a sum of money at hospital.

Cops should also have the ability to perform CPR
I think everyone being able too do cpr is a good idea, however I think u should be a high level in the first aid, maybe make it so first aid goes too level 15 instead of 8, unlock the ability too do cpr at level 10 and each level u go up the longer u can do cpr like how as a firefighter atm u can only do a certain amount of cpr atm, say u can do it for 30 seconds before they can’t have anymore, I think each level after level 10 too 15 u can do cpr for another 10/15 seconds. However I feel like with the cpr as a civ there shouldn’t be a chance u can actually revive people with it, it just keeps the people unconscious for longer before they fully die
I do not believe this is a good idea, though it's realistic that people could learn how to do CPR it's not very practical in terms of the effect it would have on Firefighters. I am 'Chief Fire Officer' which means nothing except that I grinded the shit out of the firefighter job but what I have realised is that if you were to take away the exclusivity of only firefighters being able to peform CPR it would reduce the amount of things you can do while on duty in orders of magnitude. It's already boring enough sitting at the plain ass FD with an engine waiting for a fire to randomly spawn. If you take away the fact that only FF's can do CPR you atleast double the amount of time you spend just sitting there as you can't hop in the RAM/Rover and do some medical calls. Overall this would reduce the amount of people who actually consistently play FF massively due to the extremely boring nature of the job on Perp, and removing the CPR exclusivity would make it even more boring and plain.
I personally would rather not have to sit through a long red screen just to finally be revived or black screened after 10 plus minutes. The 5m death timer and 5m NLR timer are already enough, prolonging that would just create more issues and dilute the systems that are already in place. It's hard to argue that someone would want to sit through a presumably infinite red screen just because someone can perform CPR, meaning that they cannot leave their computer during this entire time. Maybe I'm alone in this opinion, but allowing a civilian to perform CPR on me, extending my red screen, would have a negative affect on my experience.
I'd just refer you to read what the dev said below
I’m not giving any verdict on this but I would like to clear up something I see being brought up, CPR does NOT increase your death time, it only increases your time to be revived. Those are seperate things

From my understanding this means your grievance that you don't want your timer to be extended is not applicable to the reality of what this feature proposes. Your death is impending and it will come at a timer which is set. The only difference is if somebody decides to CPR you you will have a chance at voiding an imminent NLR zone, keep your current life and gives more of a chance for EMS to do their job. This is actually extremely intuitive for EMS and makes them more useful as more people will be revive-able.

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