Model Suggestion Craftable sports shooting supplies

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Suggestion Title: Craftable sports shooting supplies
Suggestion Description: My idea is to add the shooting supplies that could be seen on older versions of the map (for example the targets on the Farm in V3) as craftable furniture props on the server. I haven't been able to find the targets from the A'Blaze it range while exploring the map in singleplayer so I have no reference images of them, although maybe they could be added as craftable props too?
Below is a list of the props that have been previously used on the map from the CS:Source content. These props could be used directly or could be replaced by new models made by the developers so that players without CS:S aren't put at a disadvantage.

models/props/CS_militia/gun_cabinet.mdl (possibly make this an actual storage item too, like the wooden chests?)

Why should this be added?:
I think that these would allow for people to further decorate for example their gun stores, apartments, homes, and wood cabins. This would also open up the opportunity for people to participate in/host target shooting competitions, and create recreational ranges other than the one in A'Blaze It.

What negatives could this have?:
The models I listed obviously aren't the prettiest and might not go well with newer models and textures being added by the developers.
They might not appear for players that don't have CS:S installed unless the models are put into the PH content pack.
I haven't tested how they would work as defence items when it comes to things such as headglitches, so there's always the possibility of them being abused. Although, since they're haybale targets I wouldn't see them being used as effective cover as you'd just shoot straight through them.

Useful Images:
Farm used to have these up.

I think this is a fine idea but with some issues:
1: The server no longer uses CSS content.
2: Signs can already fill this purpose by whitelisting a target image.
3: Might encourage players to discharge weapons not in accordance with law and many newer players decide to shoot cops upon being caught out doing so by them.

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