Crafting Queue

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Weeaboo headquarters
Topic: Crafting Queue

Short explanation (in notes):
- When crafting, make it so you can queue which items you want to make

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Having been crafting alot lately, I though about how much easier it would be, if only you could queue up the items you wanted to make, instead of the constant tab switching. It would make crafting alot smoother.

Optional additions:
- Display how many of an item you are able to make, based on the materials in your inventory

This is defiantly needed. It would make crafting less of a drag. (Tab-switching wise)
+ Support
Most people don't craft because it's tiring to keep clicking the materials to craft, a more automatic system for crafting needs to be added so people craft more.

I know a way of kinda cheat xD i have a program called OnTopReplica so i don't have to keep switching tabs and i can watch videos while im crafting. Recommend a lot using this program

Anything that fixes the frustrating crafting system that's in place right now I support.

I miss the days where you'd click once, close the menu and wait, fists ready to collect your magically popped in drugs :kappa:
Anything to make the crafting system resemble V1's system is a good idea.


Edit: I don't care how long it takes to craft something, it is just the interaction involved I hate.
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The idea behind it, wasnt so that its getting rid of clicking the materials, as i believe the system of actually having to click the materials prevents the flood of weapons into the server and suddenly prices are plummeting due to the high output of weapons, but lack of buyers and suddenly everyone has dozens of weapons and loads of ammunition, just over the course of a few minutes
The idea behind it was:
Let's say I want to craft several items; a deagle grip, deagle slide and some pistol ammo
Now, with the current system in place, when I click on something i want to craft, it immediately redirects me to the "current mixtures" tab
With what I what I had in mind, I would click the on the deagle grip, the grip would be queued into the current mixtures tab, the player himself would not immediately be redirected to the current mixtures tab
I would instead still remain in the "weapon components" tab so that I could queue up more items, if I wanted to, for example the deagle slide and then the pistol ammo
Then, when going into the current mixtures tab, I would still have to click on the actual materials to be able to create the items

Probably later today i will add some pictures to illustrate what exactly i had in mind.
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