Server Suggestion Crafting without materials in inv when near a chest.

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Suggestion Title: Crafting without materials in inv when near a chest.
Suggestion Description: Basically you don’t need to have the materials in your inventory when trying to craft if there is a chest near by, the materials automatically gets used from chest

Why should this be added?:
- QoL
- Faste crafting
- no need to get exact items requirements just press Craft button if you have the materials already in your chest.

What negatives could this have?:
- coding time
- reworking the crafting system

What problem would this suggestion solve?: For example I’m crafting an Ak and I don’t need to get the materials out of chest I can just craft it.
Also forgot to add, this is also good for when crafting a lot of items and I reach material limit in inv
Makes sense to be honest. If you're stood right next to your storage chest and have everything necessary in storage for whatever you're crafting I don't see why it would be an issue to be able to just craft it and have the stuff auto removed from your storage.

I like the idea ^^

Edit: I feel your pain on the material limit. The amount of times I've had to craft half of what I need, then pull more materials out to finish.. It's annoying haha.
As of a recent change as well, crafting ingredients can no longer be mugged.
This basically makes the change more worthwhile for long time crafting orders.
If this is actually something feasible and if there was a way to ensure that this won’t be siphoning someone else’s materials through walls or other various methods this could well be exploited through then I’m all for it. But I just thought of several methods this could be exploited with or accidents that could happen with it.

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