Community Suggestion Crouch Fatigue Reversion

Reaction score
Suggestion Title: Crouch Fatigue Reversion
Suggestion Description: Make it so you CAN spam crouch 50times every milisecond without any fatigue

Why should this be added?:
- Realism people will be able to crouch spam like they have in the last 10years in paralake city

What negatives could this have?:
- Literally none, who suggested the fatigue nerf in the first place? he is literally a moron idk how it got accepted.
I would like to see it atleast changed so it isnt as fucking awful. Stamina should not be this shit

Feel like im playing @A1L simulator all the time at this rate
Guy caused the downfall of PERP pvp when not playing then made a reversion suggestion same day he returns

I think it’d be cool if it was reworked, like if you crouched a certain amount of times within a timeframe you’d lose a chunk of stamina, at the moment if you’re regaining stamina and crouch to hide in a corner you gotta wait another 7 seconds to start regaining again which is honestly a pain in the ass and makes PVP not fun at all
They changed it because during raids people will crouch spam like idiots while in their bases
what if instead of losing a shit ton of stamina, crouching becomes similar to how one crouches in CSGO? just throwing this idea out there.
While we're on the subject of removing this, they should also remove the slow down when you sprint and jump with a weapon because it's not realistic to suddenly just slow down :asshat:
just kinda cancerous, PVP has been more realistic and natural with it in place, i dont agree with whatever youve done with fatigue overall though, my man cant run for more that 5 seconds
what if instead of losing a shit ton of stamina, crouching becomes similar to how one crouches in CSGO? just throwing this idea out there.
If you look at the original thread that's literally what I've suggested, but instead @TinySlayer done fucked it up, you can still crouch spam as long as you have the stamina in order to do so, there was no point in nerfing stamina since that was never the issue in the first place. I'm guessing nerfing stamina was an easier "solution" for crouch spammers but a reversion/remake should be considered I'm just not a fan of the @A1L simulator looking at the down votes seems like a few LOVE it.
Who could possibly have seen this coming?
What negatives could this have?:
- People like myself crying after nerf (not like I'm a crouch spammer)

I haven't been on CS:GO for quite a while, but I'll check it out:

There are probably some tweaks that can be made to the system, but a revert clearly isn't going to be the most popular solution.

I'm not a fan of a situation where you blocked from crouching, or stand up from crouching. However there are things that could be done such as enforced delays, or adjusting the duck/unduck speeds. If we are able to introduce other penalties, then we can probably reduce the stamina reduction.

For what it's worth, the current stamina impact (with max stamina level) is roughly as follows:
  • Drowning 15%
  • Sprinting 4.5% per second
  • Running 0.72% per second
  • Jumping 2%
  • Standing up 1%

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