Patch-wearing gangs have a formal hierarchy with a structure that is similar in most gangs. The positions of president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and sergeant at arms are known as “officers”.
A new officer is elected whenever an existing office-holder is unable to carry out his job properly, usually due to imprisonment or sickness (motorcycle crashes etc).
Most gangs hold regular meetings (which they call “church”) that all patchmembers must attend to discuss matters relating to the club. The majority of gangs are run as a democracy with every patchmember having one vote. Many gangs hold annual elections to select their officers while others vote on a specific position when it becomes vacant or when another member mounts a challenge.
Each chapter has its own set of officers. A “chapter” is a group of gang members under the control of one president. Some gangs, such as the Black Power or Mongrel Mob, have numerous chapters throughout the country (often with more than one chapter in major cities) while others have only one or two
The prez is the leader of the chapter. He is the clubs figurehead and is usually the spokesman when dealing with the police or the media. The prez is the chairman at club meetings and represents the chapter at national meetings.
The vice president is second in charge and fills in when the president is away. The vice prez is often the heir apparent to the clubs leadership although this isn’t always the case. It’s his job to make sure that matters passed at club meetings are carried out satisfactorily.
The secretary is responsible for the clubs paperwork. He keeps minutes of meetings and records dates of significant events, such as anniversary dates (when prospects gain their patch). He corresponds with other gangs and it’s his job to keep members informed of upcoming events. The secretary is usually responsible for keeping records of club assets although the treasurer will do this in some gangs. The secretary is also responsible for collecting any debts owed to the gang and usually gets the job of checking out business opportunities prior to any decisions being made. The treasurer is usually the person who handles the proceeds of a gangs illegal activity.
The Captain will be responsible for setting the standard on earnings, such as, deciding the expected payments he should hope to receive from every crew member. The Captain will collect the earnings, then pay a percentage back to the President/Vice-President in order to properly fund the chapter (this money will then be redistributed among every crew to cover the cost of necessities). The Captain will be a representative of his own crew in Church, he will be expected to properly organise and manage all business within his crew, staying loyal to the President.
The sergeant at arms is basically the gangs “policeman” although most would not like to be referred to in this way! He enforces club procedures and maintains order at club meetings. The sergeant is in charge of security at gang events and he is responsible for “back ups” (attacks on rivals). The sergeant looks after the gangs’ firearms and other weapons.
The Enforcers are here to help the Sergeant At Arms in this job, mainly they are here to stand guard in meeting or in events, somehow they're the security.
Patchmembers are members of the club who have earned the right to wear the gangs colours, after a suitable period spent “prospecting”. They take part in the running of the club and attend the gangs weekly meeting (“church”). They are commonly referred to as “members” or, in some clubs, “patches”
A prospect is a “prospective” member of the club who is yet to earn his patch. Prospects are expected to do what they are told and follow the orders of patchmembers. They must be prepared to engage in illegal activities to prove their loyalty to the gang. Prospects have no voting rights and do not attend meetings unless invited in.
Organization Members:
Luis Flores
Jared Fillerton
Josef Manner
Charlie Cosbern
Katyusha Pravda
Danzo Vasallo
Lamar Carter
Martin Checkz
Bob Nixon
Johan West
Jannich Andreson
Kevin jhonson
Organization Relations:
Armenian Mafia
Organization Territory:

Projex Apartments
Organization Jobs:
Hitmen: Clean up / Removal services.
Dealers: Bring back $50 of each bag you sell.
Fighter: Participate in the fight club.
Thefts: Rob people.
Extorter: Collect taxes from local dealers.
Racketeer: Protect homes or businesses for money.
Arms Dealers: Sell weapons.
Black Market Dealers: Sell tax free weapons.
Build your way up in ranks by completing jobs and bring in some money for the club.
Organization Treasurey:
Luis Flores: 75,000
Charlie Cosbern: 120,000
Katyusha Pravda: 0
Danzo Vasallo: 3,650
Lamar Carter: 0
Martin Checkz: 0
Jannich Andreson: 10,000
Kevin jhonson: 5,000
Devon Propst: 0,500
Bob Nixon: 0
Johan West: 0
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