Dai's goodbye <3

Reaction score
United Kingdom, Devon
Shalom Jackie,

I think an explaination is needed. I RDM'd the first time with the intent of being permenantly banned as I no longer played the server and didn't want to even be tempted to try and play it again. Even my girlfriend told me to try and get unbanned after I told her about the community and said I was voted for most toxic. Upon my friends being unbanned, I decided to copy and paste husky and stevo's appeals for my first apology and Atomics ban appeal second which gotme unbanned with the server having a low player base at the time. I decided I'll see what's happened to the server with the new org update and content. I played for around a month during lockdown without having uni, football, a social life ect reasons for me to not want to play. I really didn't want to powergrow X amount of hours for a virtual car that was never happening, guns ect were cheap so I got to raid ect and give the server a try again. AR's upon Ar's of crying kids trying to get people they compete with banned so they can't dent their ego or lose them virtual cash instead of how it used to be. How easy it was for people to cheat on the server. Staff getting loggs and checking demo's to get other staff demoted for being in another org lmao. I swiftley wished I never returned. The server's full of crybabies, there was no skill in how people wanted to compete, it's I dont like this guy so I want them banned. Back in the day, everyone had common sense, you wouldnt report people you could mug or raid because it's an easy profit or because you know they could catch you doing something stupid and you'd banned. I found it hilarious how big ego's were on the server, people's heads were massive compared to when nobody cared as much and you'd go on to have fun. Admin sits and forum warnings were dumb, because I'd have a 15 year old boy trying to tell me what i can and cant do or say on the internet. I watched 10 of my gmod videos on the server, obvious to me I'm never going to want to play the server again as much as I did with probably top 5ish playtime on the server. I wanted a permenant ban because obvious I dont even want to be tempted to join back and waste my time. Streaming the rdm was fine, they could easily be revived, only 3 lmao. I'd like to apologise for doxing though, especially a vulnerable person. Something I can't undo. That was through the heat of the moment. I accept that I'll never be unbanned but I also accepted that I'll never want to come back as I contemplated and discussed with others. I removed most members from social media and kept the OG's. I didnt want anyone asking me, why's XXXXX followed me, who's XXXXX and why's a guy called Aquaa asking me for feet pics. I'm going into the last year of a Physics bsc, living with 5 girls and a boy, playing football and boosting serbian noobs on siege. I had no intentions to come back before lockdown but got bored I guess. There's too many people to tag but I enjoyed playing with all of you in the past, there's nobody I really hated as much as you might have felt I hated you. You might feel the same way one day so enjoy it while it lasts. P.S all these fanboys stealling #notoxic when I used it in my montages for over a year sheep. SeE YoU NeXt WeEk.

New season has launched. I regret to inform you that my rates for a boost to plat have increased by 10%. Please let me know if this is subscription is still something you wanna continue with.
i havent been in this community too long but from my experience it was so much simpler back when i started, i wasnt on the forums so i didnt know what ars were and people used to be less serious, people werent complaining 24/7 about roleplay and actually played the gamemode, now you cant shoot a cop without them complaining in ooc that “i am rping as an unarmed officer why would you shoot me”
One of the best e-sport players that gives 0 shits about perp, god speed you welsh special needs unit

We always had fun together. You'll be missed ya big sheep shagger. Don't rear end anyone else in your Citroen okay.
Thanks for featuring me in the first clip of a notoxic montage.
