Defence Presets / Construction Book (New & better)

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Description of the idea:

Main idea by @Shay

Defence Presets

Have a database of preset defences in all properties for all players to use. For example;

1. Custom defense that was made by staff members and for sure allowed by rules, without any doubt
2. They can make a defense, staff members take pictures and vote if it should be allowed or not, then they can save it. We will also make changes to the defence if necessary.
Props will be taken from your storage and you can unlock Org Storage Presets in your organisation at like level 10-20 so you can just put the props in org storage.

What would this mean for people that don't build defences but instead PassiveRP scenarios?
Simply said, nothing.
They could still build whatever they want as long as it is used for PassiveRP.

Using this system would cost money. It all depends on how many props you use, this will have to get discussed. If your playtime is under 1 day you can get simple defences made for free at bank.
This way everyone is happy and no one can complain about defences.

Trying to loophole this would obviously result in a punishment.
To get a base approved, you simply make a report. You CANNOT have drugs inside the property while you are running an unapproved build, as soon as it gets approved. Rules would have to be made around this function for this.

How it would work
You buy a property, after clicking buy a menu pops up asking you if you want a preset defence or no defence. If you choose a defence, there will be a dropdown menu with defences you can use, all defences will have a link to a few screenshots of the base. (Community made ones) You can also just choose Basic and an Advanced base defence made by the Staff Team. These will have a set price. After you buy a property with a defence, the props will be spawned where they are supposed to be spawned from your storage (or org storage if chosen too and perk unlocked).
After this, you can no longer place props inside the property other than Planters, Chem Tables, Workbenches, Televisions etc.

Construction Book
If this is really hard to code, there would need to be a book written similar to the old construction booklet but instead of the construction booklet being made by Staff, it would be filled with community made defences that are approved by the Staff Team
This is the 2nd idea, this way people can make what they want and other people can use this as a guide to build bases. If your base gets approved, it will be put in the book with its own page and name chosen by the creators. The Staff Team can use this as a guide aswell and this way there are no exceptions anymore and every staff member

Why should this be added? (pros):
  • No more crying about base defences that get approved by one Staff member but denied by a different one.
  • Less reports about bases.
  • Everyone has a fair base that isn't considered 'OP', because everyone can use it.
What negatives could this have? (cons):
  • Some props could become useless, but I doubt this.
  • First few weeks Staff Team would be very busy.
  • More rules.
Other additions:
  • A system to prevent props being placed in a property with a preset defence.
  • Godstick options to remove presets and add presets. (I'd say Senior Moderator+)
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The construction booklet almost killed raiding, it made the game stale and boring, I never want to go back to that.
We just need better guidelines and staff enforcement and that'll solve most of the issues we're having.
There is no reason to take the creativity out of base building again.
That is exactly what this is, you can still have custom bases they will just have to get approved before you can spawn them.
I think something like the construction booklet should be added. The old one was far too strict, therefore, make something more loosely defining. "A structure like _____ is not allowed" but not outright limiting specifics.
Or make players take screenshots Staff can approve and then put in the book like in the post
So many poll options, I think @Samuel is going to have a heart attack.

The custom defences staff would make would probably be obvious that they are within the rules, so anyone would be able to make em meaning that it would be kinda useless? Better have a booklet with generally disallowed things.
sorry but im having a stroke reading this

i get it now, I will make sure they wont do that
The preset defences sound like a nice idea, but it will take people a grand total of a week to learn all the preset positions and just floor/wall bang them and win without ever peaking
So the idea doesn't seem too popular with the community.

Could as many people that voted no please reply why and how we can solve this issue?
while i do agree this could be helpful for efficiency i dont seem too keen on the fact that someone can just instantly spawn in a defence, this sounds like something that would be helpful in darkrp but definitely not needed for the kind of gamemode perp is.
and just like what @flugs said, i was basing with a staff member that built the defence and another staff member removed it for being unrealistic lul
You would be basically babying us, i am pretty sure this is from the base at morons yesterday although that is the only way you can build a base at morons, adding this feature will be basically saying the community is a bunch of brain dead twats and need staff to constantly be helping them including building their own bases. The fact that you will have to vote on it within the staff team can bring bias. This will also bring creativity in base building a big fuck off, people will then be able to memorise how the bases are set out and know that you have one of them by a glance inside, and if you dont! you bet you will be recieving a ar!!!

It's kind of insulting the fact you want to do this shit and making it a staff decision on if they are allowed to have one specific base is bull shit. Most power hungry post i have seen all year. Not to add this is the most excessive and unneeded thing, why the fuck will i have to buy a preset like im in the fucking sims? Also what would happen if the base was bombed?
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Honestly bring back a reworked construction booklet. Tired of seeing clash of clans defences in some bases that are supposedly allowed by staff. Defenders already have a huge advantage in some properties because of the choke points in entrances.

Have the community come to a mutual agreement about certain rules for different properties, Ayjay should be able to organize this in some way. That way we don't have stupid limitations decided by 2 people for the whole community like last time.

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