- Staff
- #1
Description of the idea: Create a system that automatically sells properties that haven't had player activity for more than 1 hour. This is to prevent players from buying properties and then not using them, for example someone buys the entire Slums and then stops using them but stays online making it so no one else can use the property.
I made a rule suggestion found HERE to make it against the rules to not use properties you buy and @TinySlayer suggested this system. I absolutely love it and think it would be a great system to prevent players from buying properties and then not using them at all.
I'll list some functions here.
Why should this be added? (pros):
What negatives could this have? (cons):
*Other additions: A tool for Staff to force sell properties.
I made a rule suggestion found HERE to make it against the rules to not use properties you buy and @TinySlayer suggested this system. I absolutely love it and think it would be a great system to prevent players from buying properties and then not using them at all.
I'll list some functions here.
- Shop properties (except Puffer Mart and McUwes) would be excluded from this system, however, if my rule suggestion gets accepted they will have to make a shop in it otherwise other players could make a report and get it sold. Players often make shops and then base somewhere else because they don't have to watch their shop.
- When a property gets sold that has props on it, it would send all props in the property to storage.
Why should this be added? (pros):
- It is easier to buy properties you want to use.
- More friendly to new players that can't find a for sale property.
- (If rule gets accepted) Less work for Staff team.
What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Entire base defences dissapearing when a base has not been used for a while.
*Other additions: A tool for Staff to force sell properties.
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