DELTΔ / Unknown IC name.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Garrett Woodfield
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Garrett Woodfield

Your Steam/In-game Name: Alex / Danny Bishop
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: DELTΔ / Unknown Ingame name
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:98922994
Why Should This Player Be Punished:

The user shot me whilst I was unarmed due to a minor mistake, did not even listen to what I had to say before shooting both my car and me. This could of easily have been solved in a roleplaying manner such as calling insurance, me paying for insurance etc, but he instead decided to shoot me dead. And my car.

The user decided to shoot my car including me and not sure my friend possibly as well in the middle of highway to do a minor mistake, i was trying to pull to the right otherwise I would crash or drive on wrong side of road due to these two guys drag racing.

I also do believe this goes under rule 2.1 as it is not realistic to just jump out of your car and then shoot my car and then me dead in the middle of the highway due to a car crash.

I also believe that rule 3.3 goes under this as it is not an realistic action just to shoot someone dead over a traffic crash without barely saying a word to them before shooting.

Immediately after the crash he decided to brake and then jump out without giving a shit that he had just crashed and was possibly damaged.

I even told him that i was unarmed multiple times through my microphone, but he still kept shooting.



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Right, to start things of;
As a member with 8 previous bans, of which one permanent, I'd be sure you'd know better than breaking rule 3.3 & 3.15

We had just finished up our raid at the Hungries Schwein, where we tried to make sure we left no witnesses, seeing as all the police were dead, we thought the coast was clear. Next time that happens, as we drive off, you start to chase us, you and your buddy laughing as you start pushing me sideways, for no apparent reason, rather than just slowing down. This is a common trick you pull all the time, and you think it's absolutely hilarious. It was just a matter of time before you breaking 3.15 and 3.3 would end up in you being killed or banned.

Here's a tip:
Don't push random cars off the road because you think it's funny, especially not when they just got out of a raid.
Right, to start things of;
As a member with 8 previous bans, of which one permanent, I'd be sure you'd know better than breaking rule 3.3 & 3.15

We had just finished up our raid at the Hungries Schwein, where we tried to make sure we left no witnesses, seeing as all the police were dead, we thought the coast was clear. Next time that happens, as we drive off, you start to chase us, you and your buddy laughing as you start pushing me sideways, for no apparent reason, rather than just slowing down. This is a common trick you pull all the time, and you think it's absolutely hilarious. It was just a matter of time before you breaking 3.15 and 3.3 would end up in you being killed or banned.

Here's a tip:
Don't push random cars off the road because you think it's funny, especially not when they just got out of a raid.

I did not know you had just raided as i came from subs, also i was not even laughing about this, saying i do this all the time, give me proof then say that, i would either have crashed or be on wrong side of highway if i didnt pull right, my bans have nothing to do with this.
I did not know you had just raided as i came from subs, also i was not even laughing about this, saying i do this all the time, give me proof then say that, i would either have crashed or be on wrong side of highway if i didnt pull right, my bans have nothing to do with this.

You could have easily slowed down and stayed behind us. You literally had NO reason to come up that close to the left of me.

You not knowing I wasn't coming out of a raid doesn't justify you breaking 3.15 and damaging both my and your vehicle.
You could have easily slowed down and stayed behind us. You literally had NO reason to come up that close to the left of me.

You not knowing I wasn't coming out of a raid doesn't justify you breaking 3.15 and damaging both my and your vehicle.
I never broke 3.15 as it was a purely ic crash and an accident you are right i could of slowed down, but did not see it as an option at that time this doesnt justify you breaking all the rules i stated above
I never broke 3.15 as it was a purely ic crash and an accident you are right i could of slowed down, but did not see it as an option at that time this doesnt justify you breaking all the rules i stated above

You not seeing it as an option does still not justify you breaking the rule.
I'm still waiting for your justification for breaking the rule.
Not knowing what to do isn't a justification, by that matter people could run away from 3.4 because they wouldn't know what else to do.

You're really just posting the same thing over and over again.

Explain to me why you felt it was needed to push my car of the road and damage it, aswell as your own, rather than slowing down, which is a way easier solution.
+support This user has been been breaking 2.5 by getting us raided by police for no reason
I've seen the discussion, and I'm going to agree with Garret here. I honestly don't care if my car got pushed to the side, it's not critical damage. I support this action request as DELTA has broken the rules.

User will receive a 3 day ban for 2.5 and 3.4. He shouldn't have instantly got out and shot you in the face. You were trying to get onto the right side of the road to avoid going onto the wrong side, you then unintentionally spun him out and he gets out and starts shooting you.
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