Demo requested by oddy

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Hello i've only just rejoined the server from last night and i was prompted with a message saying i have to agree to upload a demo and if i dont then i could be banned? What did i do that was wrong? Last night there was multiple hackers on ther server and they were mass RDMing and ruining the game for everyone else so i took it upon myself to try and deal with it myself by either killing them or prop killing them, i also arrested them multiple times and tried keeping them in cuffs and away from player but they kept leaving and rejoining on new accounts. I know it is not my place to take matters into my own hands but at the time there was only a helper online named "Cheese" i hope i do not get banned as i really like this server and was only trying to stop the ruining the server :)
Hello i've only just rejoined the server from last night and i was prompted with a message saying i have to agree to upload a demo and if i dont then i could be banned? What did i do that was wrong? Last night there was multiple hackers on ther server and they were mass RDMing and ruining the game for everyone else so i took it upon myself to try and deal with it myself by either killing them or prop killing them, i also arrested them multiple times and tried keeping them in cuffs and away from player but they kept leaving and rejoining on new accounts. I know it is not my place to take matters into my own hands but at the time there was only a helper online named "Cheese" i hope i do not get banned as i really like this server and...
Hello i've only just rejoined the server from last night and i was prompted with a message saying i have to agree to upload a demo and if i dont then i could be banned? What did i do that was wrong? Last night there was multiple hackers on ther server and they were mass RDMing and ruining the game for everyone else so i took it upon myself to try and deal with it myself by either killing them or prop killing them, i also arrested them multiple times and tried keeping them in cuffs and away from player but they kept leaving and rejoining on new accounts. I know it is not my place to take matters into my own hands but at the time there was only a helper online named "Cheese" i hope i do not get banned as i really like this server and was only trying to stop the ruining the server :)
I recommend PMing Oddy about it.
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