different kinds of ammo

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Topic: Diffrent kinds of ammo

Short explanation (in notes):
- add different type of ammo (fx. AP, HE, fire bullets and the regular iron cap)

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
AP: Amor pircing (good agenst bullet proof vests.)
HE: high explotion does a lot more flesh damage and is therefore better against both humans and cars.
fire bullets: have a small change of setting players on fire
and then the iron cap thats just the bullets there are now.
Optional additions:
-diffrent crafting recipises.
-add bullets if you like.
Cool idea I must say however this is nothing that I suggest because then we would first need more level's and we would need models, as well this would make it a bit unstable because you could just buy AP bullets and then just win over the whole police force yourself
I would love this but kinda hate it in a way, i think the guns are going to get OP by it, however as you said AP bullets should be invented to make more damage to armor.
I don't like it.
First of all, it'll create /way/ too much variety. Especially if it would require making x4 ammo types for each ammo (rifle, pistol, etc).
It would become way too hard to maintain a proper gun store if people demand a different ammo type for their weapon, especially if you already sell the regular ammo.
And the new ammo would probably become really expensive, so chances are that nobody would buy/craft it, thereby making them useless to have.
And to top it all off, these ammunition types may become too powerful. As far as I know, police and SWAT are only equipped with the regular ammo (iron cap), and when facing 2 goons with AK-47s and AP, even in 15 vs 2 (1 LT, 4 SWAT, 10 officers), the chances are they'd lose due to the power of the ammunition the 2 goons will be using.

Not only do I find this suggestion too excessive, but also too overpowered. -support
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Let me put this post into English for everyone unable to read it.
Add the following ammunition.
HE: (Are you mad you can't put HE into a normal rifle it would explode in your hands)
AP: Useful for shooting through body armor and bullet proof glass that we don't have (Useless)
Incendiary: Extremely weak ammunition that lets out of shards of blistering hot metal on impact with a solid target (Useless)
Full Metal Jacket (Iron cap wtf is that): Standard lead bullets

Aka adding these things is pointless because you suggested a bunch of ammunition that doesn't exists for a start and the ones that do exist are going to be pretty pointless, I mean suggesting Hollow point rounds would have made sense as they would cause you to bleed out faster but by the looks of it you didn't put any effort into this post anyway.
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