Dimitrii Ermakovich Ban Request

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Felix/ Joao Felix
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [PH] ErmakDimon/ Dimitrii Ermakovic
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:50947970
Reason: I was being followed by a police officer when i entered the long term parking garage, i stopped my car, gun pointed the officer (i killed a men before and the medic radio in my car description), tied him up and gagged him. When we were about to leave, he run back to the vehicle and tried to drive away. (And he keep saying, "You will be banned")
Evidence: http://demo.ovh.eu/en/09ed5eeea41fe8d2e8f3d138a9a04695/
Tick: last 6 minutes

Merry Christmas
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+support, I may be biased as I was with Joao in the situation, but if the PD had his description as a criminal, then it was justified. If the officer knew that he was a criminal, that would be jailtime, and Joao couldn't be sure if the officer knew or not. You also broke 6.8 by getting in your car and driving after being tied, and you also spoke a lot, saying "You gotta wait for the admin, you're going to get banned" breaking the RP situation.
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Request Pending

After watching the demo from 34:00 onwards (last 6 minutes) there is no sign of the incident, nor is there any sign of ErmakDimon, it's just you planting drugs and setting up barricades at the Parker Building...

Please update the Ban Request with the correct Demo / Tickrate
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Insufficient Evidence, if you want this Ban Request reopened shoot me an inbox with the correct demo and tick.
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