Disable snow, rain (clientside)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Garrett Woodfield
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Garrett Woodfield

Topic: Disable snow, rain for yourself.

Short explanation (in notes):
- Using options you can enable/disable snow.
- Should work for rain aswell.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Because both Snow and Rain is very laggy for people that doesn't have an very expensive PC, and doesn't want to buy a new pc JUST to play perpheads, i get around 5-10 fps when theres snow, and 10-20 without snow, theres a big difference, i just need it to be you can disable it clientside with the options in F1 because right now you have to live with lag.

Optional additions:
Great call Alex. It really has an adverse effect on your capacity to roleplay if you're lagging so much.

I'd also love to see the command "r_drawparticles 0/1" being "whitelisted" into the available commands.This disables general annoying particle effects like from a heavy gun fight, if there are too many automatic weapons being shot at the wall and causing alot of smoke being kicked up, which impacts your FPS.But there is a very big upside if you do disable particles, the smoke that kicks up can block vision on the target you are trying to shoot at, disabling it basically gives you a free vision of sight and a huge advantage.You can see what I mean by loading up a demo and typing in "r_drawparticles 0" into the console where a firefight is happening at the moment, you'll notice the difference.

Anyways, back ontopic, I'd love to see an option to disable rain and snow as they are a general annoyance for me and for some reason, snow/rain lag from V1 has returned, which is quite bad.

+Support on this idea.
Negative support, I really like the weather effects. If you're fed up with the lag get a better PC or lower some settings.
Reasons already given such as:

+ Lag, evidently a bad thing for everyone.
+ Small feature doesn't really affect much.

- Could affect some RP situations.
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I dont see a difference when snow is on or off, but if it would improve your performancei will + support
Complete -support

Consider this; let's say the weather is effecting an RP situation. 1 player has it on and 1 has it off. That would make it extremely complicated. For example, a car crash. They may be looking at the weather condition as one of the reasons, however that would not be the case because one of the players involved with the crash has the snow or rain off, therefore ruining the RP. Another point to bring up is it may give players an advantage when it comes to driving, shooting etc. They may have advisability advantage, therefore making it unfair for the player who has the better PC and has the rain or snow on.

Nuff' said....
The latest update stopped the lag from the rain and snow quite a lot, and if it still makes you lag maybe you should consider updating your graphics card.
Either way, I do however support this - People may not be able to update graphics equipment and may love the server; why should the snow and rain stop this? The snow and rain are meerly visual effects and do not really effect your in-game experience.

I don't really know how easy this would be to implement, if it is not already there - You'd have to ask @StephenPuffs about that.
Surprisingly, this is one of the suggestions that i actually feel can be useful.
A lot of people lag during the weather and the only response they get in OOC to help is:
R4nd0mSwe4ter [OOC]: Get a better PC, you scrub
It would be useful as it increases RP by allowing people to carry on with their RP with little to no lag.

+ It would help people play without lag.
+ I've never seen anyone use weather for RP.
+ Not everyone has a good PC. The only reason why I can play on this server is because of my Intel Core I3 and 12.0GB of RAM.
+support remove snow and rain for good got less than 10 fps because of that. And maybe make another suggestion to remove addons from the server like cars/weapons that nobody buys/use.
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