Disconnect Idea

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Description of the idea: When a user disconnects from the server, If they reconnect within a time frame of 5-10 Minutes, they will automatically respawn at where they disconnected, with everything they had on them. @Exnem thought of this idea, so props to him!

Why should this be added? (pros): This would stop people from disconnecting and reconnecting to avoid raids, muggings etc. Allows users to get back to their last location in case they Time out.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Could cause some bugs or issues, I.E the user disconnects whilst in the car, so they reconnect in the middle of the road.

*Other additions: n/a

*Images: [useful images]
This would cause some serious abuse and would create more work for staff in terms of refund requests.

The way I can see this being abused is to literally pop in during raids when there is someone inside, imagine clearing all the rooms and a player appears out of thin air and shoots you down. (Edit: A work around would be to implement a function where the reconnected player cannot pull out, take out or store any illegal/firearm items for a duration of 5 minutes)

Other problems would be what do we do with the player if there is no room to put them to their last location? What about temporary items such as bank robbery drill/money or when using the gun range? You'd have to check a lot of features and implement some work around to make sure players don't screw up when disconnecting and reconnecting.

The idea has good intentions behind it don't get me wrong but we can't ignore the cons I brought up.
They already respawn close enough to where they last disconnected, is this not enough plus what Creepis said raises huge concern
You are correct, tbh, not many people use the gun range, and even myself, I forgot it still existed. Perhaps their firearms could be placed into storage. temp items, drills and money from bank would be removed.
The thing about rejoining mid-shootout is that your player will appear before you're even in the server client wise. But yes, a cooldown of 2-3 minutes where you cannot equip or pull out any weapons should combat pre-combat logging to gain an advantage.

If there's no room, just respawn them nearby at a default spawn. Temporary items will be removed like rejoining always does.

Just some ideas.
If a user disconnects to avoid a raid, mugging etc then they will be banned. We have rules in place to prevent this from happening and this, alongside the points raised above, leads me to believe this would cause more problems than it would fix.
The reason we thought of this was for a incident that happened not too long ago, however, Wish to not say here.
I initially liked this idea but after reading it I immediately thought of the concerns other people have already raised. Good suggestion, just won't work at all and will cause too many problems, better to leave it how it is imo
Players already are respawned near whey they disconnect. For example, you might respawn at Car Dealer if you disconnect at Projex.

We have not set it so people can spawn exactly where they disconnect as this would be easily abusable. For example, "hiding" while someone searches a building and then running out after they leave saying "I was here all along".

We can add more locations where people can respawn if needed.
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