Discussing Custom Weapon Skins

What is your view on custom weapon skins?

  • Allow Skins

    Votes: 42 40.8%
  • Ban Skins

    Votes: 61 59.2%

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Hi there,

I've been made aware that some players and staff members are concerned with the custom weapon skins that have been used. We initially decided to make an approval system per weapon however this has already been problematic as some players systems view these skins differently to others and it is proving near impossible to police this. Therefore I thought I would see what the public view is on allowing or disallowing custom skins before we make a decision.

Allow Skins
You are free to modify skins however you like, including glow in the dark style skins.
Ban Skins
It will not be allowed to modify your skins at all.

The following are examples of the skins currently being used on the server.



In my subtle professional esporter opinion, people want a reason to blame for their deaths. I have yet to be running through a forest etc and spotted a persons gun on their back (even with majority of my skins being somewhat colourful) before I see the person. Even during the night the chances I see them first in my opinion are much higher.
I say ban them. It does add an unfair advantage especially if your trying to hide and sneak around and your gun is a absurdly bright color and makes it super hard to hide or do anything stealth like.
In what situation are you trying to hide or sneak around in which you don’t have your gun out in your hands already?

While if a skin is like the UMP(i think) or the SAKO shown in the bottom image above, I believe those skins shouldn’t be allowed however I don’t believe they impose such a large threat that overall skins should be banned..
i believe its too hard to moderate to actually make it fair.

People who want to use them will likely use them and just stop posting clips etc.

I do not use them as i feel they look ugly but i also see no issue with them.
In what situation are you trying to hide or sneak around in which you don’t have your gun out in your hands already?
Idk about you but when im raiding with people we generally try and sneak around the raid using Bobby pins and keeping our guns out so we don't get GP and have our raid stopped before it even begins. How are you raiding? I assume going in guns blazing with bright skins to see people easily. Quite a bit of people do try and sneak me included
Idk about you but when im raiding with people we generally try and sneak around the raid using Bobby pins and keeping our guns out so we don't get GP and have our raid stopped before it even begins. How are you raiding? I assume going in guns blazing with bright skins to see people easily. Quite a bit of people do try and sneak me included
I have never once seen someone where I otherwise wouldn’t have without skins, and I’d say that most of the time you wouldn’t even be able to see the gun if they’re behind a barricade.

But then again, I don’t use schizo skins and just have some of @Collier ’s and a COD Ghosts one I made myself.
Idk about you but when im raiding with people we generally try and sneak around the raid using Bobby pins and keeping our guns out
Yes, depending on the area you are raiding of course? But I don't think you understand if people are going to see you outside your property (unless its a multiple-owned place such as an apartment complex) they are going to assume you are raiding, even with concealed weapons. If their skins were bland, they would be able to still see them on your back? I don't get your point here.
How are you raiding? I assume going in guns blazing with bright skins to see people easily.
This depends on my group size my friend, I tend to raid by myself or with one or two people, in which case the best course of actions would be to place an explosive! As this spreads the props all around the base not only getting rid of their defenses but negatively affecting their defense techniques! I do not in fact go in guns blazing with bright skins to see people easily, as if I were the one with a bright skin it wouldn't benefit me at all? However! Since you seem to be quite the curious fellow here are my current skins:
quite an old screenshot sadly, the quality is quite bad but I'm sure you can tell the skins apart!
Quite a bit of people do try and sneak me included
Of course, sneaking is essential! I probably crowbar/bomb more often than bobby pin as I am not a fan of the static animation but hey, your choice your outcome!
and I’d say that most of the time you wouldn’t even be able to see the gun if they’re behind a barricade.
I'd also agree with this and can probably find a couple instances of it if you'd like some proof!
COD Ghosts one I made myself.
W game
From using the few skins I have, I only find few advantages of using skins:
  • Using it to better recognize the gun model.
  • Seeing guns on backs of people in cars.
  • Seeing guns on the floor.
Even in shootouts, the only time I actually saw a skin (if I get lucky to see someone actually using like 10 of the guns I have skins for), it was in CQB. And if I actually see someone hiding or in a distance, its always their sound or clothes that give them away.
From using the few skins I have, I only find few advantages of using skins:
  • Using it to better recognize the gun model.
  • Seeing guns on backs of people in cars.
  • Seeing guns on the floor.
Even in shootouts, the only time I actually saw a skin (if I get lucky to see someone actually using like 10 of the guns I have skins for), it was in CQB. And if I actually see someone hiding or in a distance, its always their sound or clothes that give them away.
100% agree, i have a few bright skins and 99% off the time i see the person and then their gun if they are using a gun i have a skin for.
Only advantage i ever had was forest gun game when it was night and people was all around the guns i have skins for but still most of the time i saw the person first
i challenge everyone who believes that skins give a large advantage to use skins themselves and keep track of every time they spot someone that they wouldnt have otherwise

ive used skins since ive come back and i have not once found them to be advantageous at all - in concept i perfectly understand why people would see them as advantageous had they not used them before but in practical scenarios they just dont do any of the things you would expect
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You could just use a magnifying glass and see the attachments someone has on a gun... but I havent done this

@gamerdanger99 as you can see in this clip:

The bias is very minor, if existant at all. Keep in the mind the clip is at night-time. Here is a more detailed video:
How about:
  • Add new functionality to the gun store in city, whereby skins/wraps can be purchased for different guns;
  • Have the community vote on skins to be added to the game, after they have been checked to ensure they are fine, and do this voting every couple of months or so;
  • Have a wardrobe-style system whereby people can customise the looks for their guns and have it saved.
Conscious that the feasibility of this may not even be at all existent as there is already so much content but just food for thought.
sorry but who the hell uses these barf skins

If skins get banned I'd like to see simple recolours to be still allowed in a sense that's still realistic like woodland camo, changing a stock into wood while not making it too bright is fine IMO. I'd be okay with small stickers too as long as it's minor or adds some flair.

I personally don't see how skins give that much of an advantage unless someone can prove me otherwise on footage that wasn't recorded in 480P.
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