[Discussion] Question about alt accounts

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I happen to have an alternate account with garry's mod and I have the means to use both at once. As long as I am not banned, am I allowed to use it for growing etc?

I see people getting banned for alts, curious if that's exclusive to ban evasion
I asked a long time ago in a report and i was told no, although i really never saw anything in the rules that clarified it.
No, it is giving you an unfair advantage to the rest of the players.

Just imagine Olsen Banden all using smurfs to grow and their mains to raid. Cancer.
I happen to have an alternate account with garry's mod and I have the means to use both at once. As long as I am not banned, am I allowed to use it for growing etc?
Now yes you are allowed to use an ALT account to play on the server but you cannot use this ALT account to earn money for yourself. The reason for this is it is an unfair advantage on everyone else. It could also be counted as money farming.
As atomic_wizard mentioned above, as long as you follow that guideline and make sure you don't use the account for personal gain on your main account you should be good to go.
Basically just treat your alt account as if it was your main and only account, and make sure to not connect when your main account is banned or alt for that matter.

I used an alt account, although nobody noticed or cared, and it was fine, I got to explore the ways of a new player over again, of course, easier since I got the hang of things long ago.
I no longer have access to said alternate account but was fun while it lasted.

The alternate accounts getting banned are just those who try to connect with them while banned on main accounts.
you can use alt account to grow for you just bring your brother to speak to the moderator when he asking
I used alts for sweatervest adventures series

But was asked not to use alts anymore, even though i communicated with a admin of the fact and any rule break would be put on my main account and not the alt. Its hard for the staff team to keep track of records if people started using alts so don't do it.
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