Suggestion Title: Dispatch Incident Functions
Suggestion Description: To add a white "x" cross through a unit if they are dead as seen on example image.
To allow Dispatch to right click an incident and select a set color for the incident which would then also change the circle around the unit to this color, allowing Dispatch an easy overview of which units in that scene are assigned to that specific incident. Yes currently they can through the left incident menu however there's sadly always some officers who leave a scene without calling it out to then directly go to another scene. This solution would directly show us that the unit needs to be reassigned to the incident where they are at the time.
Colors I thought would be good :
Orange (Current Default)
Bright Yellow (Distinguishable from Orange)
Why should this be added?:
- Easier for Dispatch to see which units are assigned to what incident.
- Easier for Dispatch to see which units are currently dead.
What negatives could this have?:
- None that I could think of.
What problem would this suggestion solve?: No problems, Just Quality of Life improvements.
Useful Images: