Police Suggestion Dispatch - [Priority Categorisation]

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Somewhere in Scotland
Suggestion Title: Dispatch - [Priority Categorisation]
Suggestion Description: When an Incident is Created it shows as a Red Blip on the Dispatchers Map and any Officers who check there Police Computers Map. It would be neat if there was 3 colours i.e Green - Low Level , Amber - Medium Level , Red - Priority // High Risk something along the lines of that. It would assist Officers and Dispatchers in categorising incidents and scenes and ensuring units are dispatched to higher priority incidents and also ensuring that other assets such as patrol go to the lower risk incidents such as Trespassing, etc. Medium Risk would be things such as an Armed Trespassers and High Risk would be things TFU would Code 11 to such as Burglar Alarms, Bomb Incidents, Bank Robberies.

[Referring to the Blip in the Imgur Below]

Why should this be added?:
- Allows Dispatchers to keep up to track with incidents and deal with incidents efficiently

What negatives could this have?:
- Nothing but Development Time.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: All of the Above

Useful Images:
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