Police Suggestion Give dispatch/supervisors more IRL assets to better enforce radio protocol [Priority tone]

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Brief description of idea: Even IRL there are problems with radio protocol, not to mention perp, where even if dispatch is on-duty, he/she might have trouble making people stop talking when there is a serious incident going on, especially when sometimes there are 20+ officers on duty, usually most of them regular O's.

Thats where the priority tone steps in. It varies from county to county in the US, but I am including some examples in the links below.

Priority tone is (usually from what i read) 3 beeps, that are transmitted over the radio before a message of high priority/importance will be transmitted. This will allow dispatch/officers that are aware of the importance of their message to make new officers (that are usually unaware of what 10-3 means) stop transmitting, as its easier to assume that weird and unusual beeps mean that they should stop transmitting, and there is something important going on.

The same or different sound might also mean just "Stop transmitting", and it will prevent dispatch/officers from shouting "10-3" or stop transmitting.

The same or different sound might also be played repeatedly by dispatch to notify new officers on duty/officers that had their radio muted that there is an ongoing situation of high priority.

It will also add some realism, and will make the radio sound more realistic, proffesional and organised.

Abuse of this feature has to be punished, and all misuse cases should be accordingly listed in policies.

Additionally it shouldnt be hard to program, as panic button transmits a sound effect, and uses chat to write out the location. The priority tone (sound) should be different, and write something like:

"Grzegorz Duda: [Priority message] 10-33 Priority 10-20 (location)"
"Grzegorz Duda: [Dispatch priority message] 10-33 Priority message, 10-3 stop transmitting"

There might as well be another templates chosen from a wheel menu, same as the radio mute menu like:

"Grzegorz Duda: [10-3 STOP TRANSMITTING]"
"Grzegorz Duda: [10-33 Dispatch priority situation ongoing, use radio for emergencies only]"

What benefits would this idea have for the department: More realistic, proffessional radio. Less "10-3"/"Stop transmitting" shouts, that might sound unfriendly for new officers. Ability of dispatch/supervisors to highlight the importance of the message they will be transimtting. This will also prevent random shouts like "SHOTS FIRED SHOTS FIRED!!!!!!!11!111one!" as the officers will be required to use priority for such messages, and will include the location in the message(they will usually just shout shots fired without a 10-20), as panic is used only when the officers life is in danger. This might also make dispatch more attractive, as people will gain additional assets to deal with radio chatter.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: People might abuse the function thats why I think that only SGT+ and Dispatchers+ should have the option enabled.

Other additions:
(one regular beep)
(at the beginning, beep, two-tone beep, two-tone repeated beep)
[TW! GRAPHIC CONTENT AT THE END BLURRED OUT] (real life footage situation, dispatch uses priority tone [3 beeps] at the beginning to show priority to a call of shots fired)
It would be immensely useful to give officers who press their /panic 5 seconds of radio priority where everyone else's transmissions are suppressed. Radio protocol, especially in emergencies, is almost never adhered to.

I believe something like this may be already in the works for dispatchers the last I checked.

Radio protocol and etiquette is being added to the Officer handbook plus new privileges and perks for the Dispatchers.

Panics are already priorotized because it's the only incident that shows up for everyone despite having a Dispatcher On duty. But we are developing a solution that me and @northnortheast came up with.
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